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Everything posted by Moufisto

  1. Moufisto

    It's Easter!

    Hell yeah Eric!! what movie are you gonna do it to? DO IT WITH DRAMBUIIEEEE!! or.. Moonshine *godly glow*
  2. -__- moved to off topic. sigh. it so isn't off topic material.
  3. Srs bsns. It's killin' me so much that I had to post a topic up in the serious section about it. <-- face when i first witnessed the intensity of his correct sentences <-- when it continued <-- when it almost took me over like an infection <-- when i took out one eye trying to escape it <-- when i couldn't escape it and decided the only solution, was to blow myself up. <-- 2 seconds after posting this when i was about to blow Eric. I mean up. Up the ass. I mean.. blow eric up theOH SHIT I'M TURNING INTO.. INTO A CACTUAR!! This message was brought to you by.. The Phone! The new wild and amazing phenomenon since Chuck Norris! Sick of texting? Afraid of awkward conversations where you have to shut someone up to get on with your life?? No worries! We can help you with those awkward conversations, just buy our product now and we will instruct you further on how to keep Cafeworld from calling you!! Advertisement for our product & info: I'm so dead lololololoololol
  4. Well I'm gonna call him.. Mr. The Man.
  5. Holy shit seriously If i can make warshock into the plane mod i'll do it
  6. Whhhhyyyy must we make it compulsory?
  7. Out of those i reckon keep Slothhaven if any, as it had some decent work on it from what i recall. Or and Mountkevirist, but that's up to kev
  8. I can't see anyone else really getting into this, but this has to be a favorite right now for me: (note: i know you can't understand him. just look the damn lyrics up if it matters.)
  9. EVERYONE MUST MAKE FROGGER WATCH THAT!! he MUST watch it, he has to!
  10. Diabol, i've seen that name. he's good in my books as of what i know, but i don't know so f**k my reply huh. As for his stats, they're definitely worth Adept.
  11. Moufisto

    Mobile Chat Avacs

    =D that's the reaction i was hopeing for
  12. fear not, for now it's a terrorist recruitment plot! saved! =D
  13. Moufisto

    Mobile Chat Avacs

    Don't worry. It's K. I fixed it up. EDIT: Actually with what i changed, this could get me in deep shit Hmmmmm... Oh well, if someone complains i'll take it off.
  14. Moufisto

    Mobile Chat Avacs

  15. Moufisto

    Mobile Chat Avacs

    I'm going TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!
  16. I think AGC's a youngster, somehow he's a Godfather in ABA though (Think Expert rank here) but he is a bit silly to say the least, I had a talk with him today and he's annoyed at us for kicking him for making an "F U RELIGION" sign or something. I'm like... -.- what? that's well deserved anyway! the reason he was in was cause of a plot i had to sabotage someones server n the usual destruction except onto the KZB Server, which for some reason he thought i meant AITM, so he came here to try to be a judge. . . . or something . . .it gets really vague from there. No idea what he was thinking. annyway, he won't be back any time soon but things seem to be k with him.
  17. -.- i don't have a problem with him promoting the dude so that he can look at ngi's work. Do Adepts have the Bring command? everything else i'm hearing, i wouldn't stand for though. good move guys. Other than that, the server's up?? O_o i've been having issues getting in (and i don't mean to turn this into a discussion on whether it's up or not, i just need a link here) how have you guys been able to get in?? >.> can i haz link? EDIT: Haha ^.^ what's this? it's working now. . . c'mon. it wasn't before :/ seriously. 2nd EDIT: WAIT, GIMME AGC'S FULL NAME! If it's AGCSTEREO9, he was fucking with someone from ABA. I can't have that.
  19. Moufisto


    P-Puppy house >__> Well, if he didn't do more than 50 hours and was away for the time, it's a no from me. Whether he's Cafe's friend or not shouldn't be held against him, depending on how he is in game. (cause that does make a difference )
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