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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. TheLostDarkness wrote:
    JohnsonTea wrote:

    -Shops are located in spawn. Only few items can be sold for now.

    Doesnt that mean they sell stuff to you not vice versa?

    Towny requires money to work. What I did is placed some [Sell] signs for both farming and mining items. I'll look at the economy often and when needed, I'll add more items.

  2. Frogger409 wrote:
    I'd like to make a request. Can you make it so that cprivating stuff costs money? Like 1st one is free, 2nd one is $, 3rd one is $$, 4th one $$$, basically raising price as they buy more lwc's. Would that be possible? It's kinda hard to raid people's homes if they have their chests all locked.. :/ Maybe we could also make it so that once you get a certain number of chests locked, you need to join a town to get more. Again, promoting unity >:O (and making the game a bit harder for people Very Happy )

    I can't do that. Commands can cost money, but it doesn't warn the user. If they don't know, they will lose the money. Also, the plugin is not dynamic, it cannot increase the price if you use it more often.

  3. aitmsrv.aezir.com

    Server Info :
    All in the Mined is a PvP server [...]

    Plugins :

    Rules :

    New Rules
    Numbers / Categories are also rules.
    Not everything in this list will get you banned. Most of them are warning, temp mute, temp jail and temp ban.

    1.0 Be Respectful. These rules apply at any moment.
    1.1 Be respectful in the chat.

    • a. Do not use foul language.
    • b. Do not insult someone.
    • c. Do not use excessive caps.
    • d. Do not spam.

    1.2 Be respectful in game.

    • a. Do not block people, unless it’s a trap to kill them.
    • b. Do not claim someone else house, creation, etc...
    • c. Do not use /cprivate on stuff that you didn’t create.

    1.3 Be respectful to the staff

    • a. You can argue with them unless they tell you to stop.
    • b. They are moderators, but they play too. When asking for help, be patient.

    2.0 Use Common Sense.

    • a. I won’t help you there.

    3.0 Avoid griefing.

    • a. Do not kill owned animals.

    4.0 Stealing items and mobs.

    • a. Stealing items in chests is allowed.
    • b. /cprivate someone’s chest is not allowed, also 1.2c.
    • c. Harvesting a farm that you can’t replant is not allowed (wheats, warts, etc...)
    • d. Stealing anything else will be considered as grief, (3.0).

    5.0 Spawn killing is not allowed.

    • a. Outside of the spawn gates.
    • b. Outside someone’s house or town.
    • c. Do not kill someone repetitively so that he can’t flee or protect himself.
    • d. c. doesn’t apply if the player charges at you.
    • e. If a player doesn’t follow rule 5a + 5b and he decides to go for you, you can defend yourself. It is not a battle trigger, the attacker will be penalised for breaking rules.

    6.0 Do not use hacks, cheats or exploits.

    • a. You can't attack people in a non-pvp town. If you do, it's an exploit.
    • b. There are many exploits. I can't list all of them, but they're all ban-able.

    *If caught 2 times = Ban

    7.0 Staff member rules

    • a. Do not use rules at your advantage.
    • b. Do not ban, kick, mute if someone didn’t break 1 of these rules^.
    • c. Do not tell people what to do, unless it’s about rules.
    • d. Do not use moderating power to your advantage.
    • e. When you mute, kick or ban someone, tell them the reason. They might not know.

    *I can ban for anything, really.

    General Info :
    -When you enter the server for the first time [...]
    -You will ALWAYS spawn in the tutorial area. You will need to do it atleast once before getting promoted. There is a free warp sign available for builder+ (ppl who read the rules) that will warp you to the "real" spawn.
    -Shops are located in spawn. Only few items can be sold for now.

    Plugins Info :

    -Added a teleport cooldown of 5 seconds.
    -Added a teleport delay of 2 seconds to prevent teleportation during a fight.
    -Removed /sell for everyone.
    -Removed [Buy] and [Sell] signs for everyone except OP.
    -Starting balance will now be $1000
    -Player will always spawn at the start of ‘tutorial’ in spawn.

    -Added a new rank for AITM members, Veteran.
    -Removed the rank moderator.

    -Chest are no longer automatically registered when you place them.

    Towny :
    -Creating a new nation : $20000
    -Creating a new town : $5000
    -Creating an outpost : $10000
    -Claim town block : $500
    -Nation upkeep : $2000
    -Town upkeep : $500
    -Cost to use /town spawn : $200
    -Cost to use /town spawn to another town in your nation : $500

    More info :

    AITM Members (artisan+) will have their own rank :
    -You will have all Builder’s commands plus ;
       - essentials.balance.others
       - essentials.chat.color
       - essentials.chat.format
       - essentials.chat.shout
       - essentials.chat.question
       - essentials.compass
       - essentials.depth
       - essentials.itemdb
       - essentials.msg.color
       - essentials.msg.format
       - essentials.ping
       - essentials.seen
       - essentials.sethome.multiple.vip
       - essentials.time
    -You will be able to set 5 homes instead of 3.

    Staff List :

    • Aezir/Flamix/Hoster/More/Slash/Please
    • Ericrb
    • Sharok
    • 11014GRF
    • DemonicD3
    • Frogger409
    • JohnsonTea
    • Zhuge455

    Staff Info :

    -Before promoting, ask the player if he read the rules. Even if he was there before wipe.
    -Tell them to type any rules in the chat, I prefer rule 3 because it's about grief.
    -When they are ready, type /manuadd <player> <rank>
    -That command also work if you want to demote someone.
    -To use the blockinfo plugin, you need a bone or stick.

    I will only promote to staff if you tell me or sharok that you have read the staff info thingy. You can also post here saying that you read it.

  4. DallinMinecraft wrote:
    how long will wipe take? and when will server be back??

    It's ready. I'm just looking through all the files again. I'm also giving 11 time to renew the spawn, etc.

    It will probably be up tomorrow at noon. (GMT-4).

  5. Towny :
    Creating a new nation : $20000
    Creating a new town : $5000
    Creating an outpost : $10000
    Claim town block : $500
    Nation upkeep : $2000
    Town upkeep : $500
    Cost to use /town spawn : $200
    Cost to use /town spawn to another town in your nation : $500

  6. Server Info :
    All in the Mined is a PvP server [...]

    Plugins :

    General Info :
    -When you enter the server for the first time [...]
    -You will ALWAYS spawn in the tutorial area. You will need to do it atleast once before getting promoted. There is a free warp sign available for builder+ (ppl who read the rules) that will warp you to the "real" spawn.
    -Shops are located in spawn. Only few items can be sold for now.

    Plugins Info :

    -Added a teleport cooldown of 5 seconds.
    -Added a teleport delay of 2 seconds to prevent teleportation during a fight.
    -Removed /sell for everyone.
    -Removed [Buy] and [Sell] signs for everyone except OP.
    -Starting balance will now be $1000
    -Player will always spawn at the start of ‘tutorial’ in spawn.

    -Added a new rank for AITM members, Veteran.
    -Removed the rank moderator.

    -Chest are no longer automatically registered when you place them.

    Towny :
    -Creating a new nation : $20000
    -Creating a new town : $5000
    -Creating an outpost : $10000
    -Claim town block : $500
    -Nation upkeep : $2000
    -Town upkeep : $500
    -Cost to use /town spawn : $200
    -Cost to use /town spawn to another town in your nation : $500

    More info :

    AITM Members (artisan+) will have their own rank :
    -You will have all Builder’s commands plus ;
    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.chat.color
    - essentials.chat.format
    - essentials.chat.shout
    - essentials.chat.question
    - essentials.compass
    - essentials.depth
    - essentials.itemdb
    - essentials.msg.color
    - essentials.msg.format
    - essentials.ping
    - essentials.seen
    - essentials.sethome.multiple.vip
    - essentials.time
    -You will be able to set 5 homes instead of 3.

    Staff List :

    • Aezir/Flamix/Hoster/More/Slash/Please
    • Ericrb
    • Sharok
    • 11014GRF
    • DemonicD3
    • Frogger409
    • JohnsonTea
    • Zhuge455

    Staff Info :

    -Before promoting, ask the player if he read the rules. Even if he was there before wipe.
    -Tell them to type any rules in the chat, I prefer rule 3 because it's about grief.
    -When they are ready, type /manuadd <player> <rank>
    -That command also work if you want to demote someone.
    -To use the blockinfo plugin, you need a bone or stick.

    I will only promote to staff if you tell me or sharok that you have read the staff info thingy. You can also post here saying that you read it.

  7. I can't make more ranks. There's not 100000 permissions. I tried to squeeze some permissions out of builder to make Veteran...


    - essentials.help
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.motd
    - essentials.rules
    - essentials.spawn
    - groupmanager.notify.self
    - towny.chat.general

    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.balancetop
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.ignore
    - essentials.mail
    - essentials.mail.send
    - essentials.me
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.pay
    - essentials.protect
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.sethome.multiple
    - essentials.signs.use.*
    - essentials.signs.create.disposal
    - essentials.signs.create.mail
    - essentials.signs.create.trade
    - essentials.signs.break.disposal
    - essentials.signs.break.mail
    - essentials.signs.break.trade
    - essentials.suicide
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpahere
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.worth

    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.chat.color
    - essentials.chat.format
    - essentials.chat.shout
    - essentials.chat.question
    - essentials.compass
    - essentials.depth
    - essentials.itemdb
    - essentials.msg.color
    - essentials.msg.format
    - essentials.ping
    - essentials.seen
    - essentials.time

    - essentials.ban
    - essentials.ban.notify
    - essentials.banip
    - essentials.broadcast
    - essentials.chat.url
    - essentials.chat.magic
    - essentials.jails
    - essentials.kick
    - essentials.kick.notify
    - essentials.msg.magic
    - essentials.mute
    - essentials.realname
    - essentials.seen.banreason
    - essentials.protect.alerts
    - essentials.protect.admin
    - essentials.protect.ownerinfo
    - essentials.ptime
    - essentials.togglejail
    - essentials.tptoggle
    - essentials.unban
    - essentials.unbanip
    - essentials.whois
    - groupmanager.listgroups
    - groupmanager.manuadd
    - groupmanager.manudel
    - groupmanager.notify.other

    - -essentials.backup
    - -essentials.essentials
    - -essentials.setspawn
    - -essentials.reloadall
    - -essentials.plugin
    - essentials.*
    - groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
    - groupmanager.mansave
    - groupmanager.mangcheckp
    - groupmanager.manglistp
    - groupmanager.manucheckp
    - groupmanager.manulistp

    - bukkit.broadcast.user
    - -bukkit.command.plugins

    - bukkit.command.ban
    - bukkit.command.ban.ip
    - bukkit.command.ban.player
    - bukkit.command.kick
    - bukkit.command.unban
    - bukkit.command.unban.ip
    - bukkit.command.unban.player

    - bukkit.broadcast
    - bukkit.broadcast.admin
    - bukkit.command.gamemode
    - bukkit.command.give
    - bukkit.command.help
    - bukkit.command.kill
    - bukkit.command.list
    - bukkit.command.me
    - -bukkit.command.op
    - -bukkit.command.op.give
    - -bukkit.command.op.take
    - bukkit.command.plugins
    - bukkit.command.reload
    - bukkit.command.save
    - bukkit.command.save.disable
    - bukkit.command.save.enable
    - bukkit.command.save.perform
    - bukkit.command.say
    - bukkit.command.stop
    - bukkit.command.teleport
    - bukkit.command.tell
    - bukkit.command.time
    - bukkit.command.time.add
    - bukkit.command.time.set
    - bukkit.command.version
    - bukkit.command.whitelist
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.add
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.list
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload
    - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove

    - towny.town.*
    - towny.nation.*
    - towny.chat.tc
    - towny.chat.nc
    - towny.wild.build.6
    - towny.wild.destroy.6
    - towny.wild.destroy.14
    - towny.wild.destroy.15
    - towny.wild.destroy.16
    - towny.wild.build.17
    - towny.wild.destroy.17
    - towny.wild.destroy.18
    - towny.wild.destroy.21
    - towny.wild.destroy.31
    - towny.wild.destroy.37
    - towny.wild.destroy.38
    - towny.wild.destroy.39
    - towny.wild.destroy.40
    - towny.wild.destroy.50
    - towny.wild.destroy.56
    - towny.wild.destroy.73
    - towny.wild.destroy.74
    - towny.wild.destroy.78
    - towny.wild.destroy.81
    - towny.wild.destroy.82
    - towny.wild.destroy.83
    - towny.wild.destroy.86
    - towny.wild.destroy.103
    - towny.wild.destroy.106
    - towny.wild.destroy.111
    - towny.wild.destroy.115

    - towny.chat.mod
    - towny.wild.switch.64
    - towny.wild.build.83
    - towny.wild.build.86
    - towny.wild.build.103
    - towny.wild.build.111
    - towny.wild.build.115

    - towny.admin
    - -towny.wild.destroy.119
    - -towny.wild.destroy.120
    - towny.chat.admin

    Also, when you guys say that we have an unfair advantage over new players, that totally fine. When you join a game, they won't wipe the whole thing just because you're new.

  8. Refresh reason :
    Clearing 250gb of backups, deleting some bandwidth intensive plugins and reconfiguring them to be more efficient. Refreshing will also help me to reorganize the server correctly.

    Additions you want made:
    Arena system. I need to check if the players can build the arena or if it's automatically generated.
    Adding a special rank for AITM members who are ranked mason+
    Adding shops with limited items.

    Things you want removed:
    The whole economy plugin. I want the players to make their own shops. This will reduce the wasted time of farming because nobody wants to buy 36 stacks of pumpkins.

    Detailed reason:
    If I remove the /sell thingy, I will need to find another way for people to make money.
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