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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Just a little update, the shop plots isn't for items. It's for plot shoppers. That means someone could build a house, buy the plot for the house and then sell the plot.

    Trade hub can be varied. I'd like it to be easy to find signs. Something like : Ore section, block section, etc...

  2. kevinsweijen wrote:
    Frogger409 wrote:
    As far as I can remember, swearing was generally frowned upon. A swearword here or there once in a while, but not constantly doing it. I don't swear, so I find it more pleasing when people don't swear, but some people are used to doing it. I agree, we aren't a daycare, but we have always tried to keep it family friendly.

    This ^
    Not going full bullshit over someone swearing once. Thanks fwoggy <3

  3. You mean like a protected trade area? Somewhere everyone can go and place their [Trade] signs for everyone to see and trade? Looks like a good idea.
    I could open a server with a creative map if anyone would like to build it. I can't build it myself, 11 is kinda busy with spawn (of course you can make it if you want) and I don't think someone would like to waste resources to make a trade hub.

    If I was totally wrong about the idea, ignore this.

  4. Can't be touched, can't be stopped, can't be moved, can't be rocked, can't be shook, we hot. When will you minerz learn.

    If (OH yea and eric me and john were wondering) = (OH yea and eric, me and john were wondering...)
    I could try to make a npc town. Tomorrow.

  5. Cathcart22 wrote:
    There is a current dispute between me (moviebuffx96) and Rsmeep. I asked to join his npc village. (pvp zone). He said no. I walked away, and built what i called a "village" unaffiliated with theirs. They ask to tpa. I accept. they say "cool" they blow up my village and rob my territory and myself. I call this unauthorized war, they call it pvp. We need this settled asap please.
    By "blow up" the village, what do you mean?

  6. DallinMinecraft wrote:
    my connection every time i join gives me an error saying (internal exception: java.net.socketTimeoutException). idk whats wrong
    That means you're losing too many packets. We or you don't send stable informations so it kicks you out. If you're playing wireless, try playing wired and see if it's still doing that.

  7. SirDoom wrote:
    Ericrb wrote:
    I'll repost the idea I had 1 year ago. Unload everything and make a topic so that people can request to reload their world.

    How about doing that in reverse, ask people what worlds to preserve and unload others?
    When people will see that their map isn't there, they will come to you. If you want to do all the work, you can do the reverse option.

  8. EricTheBarbaric wrote:
    Hi, obviously I can't post in the survival section, but this is a reply to the topic All in the Mined 2.0. May I have access to the SMP server? I just bought MC and I've been going to random servers from random websites lol, but I think I'd like it better here, especially because you are starting over, and everyone can be on equal ground. I know you don't usually let people lower than artisan on the SMP server, so in that case, I have like 59 hours and my giveaway build lol. So yea, It'd be cool to join your SMP server. What do you guys say?
    It's public since a month or 2... Just take the IP up there.
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