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Posts posted by DallinMinecraft

  1. Maybe u should unban me because i have been loyal to this server since december 26 2010 (classic) and im sorry for advertising i was in the wrong! i will never do it again... Griefers like apple get warnings first one day 2nd 1 month 3rd forever i believe... so why would i get instaban forever? i love all the people on this server and have for a long time i have never been in trouble for anything but this... again im sorry and i will never do it again! Your descision ill just be way dissapointed if i get banned! sorry to everyone it was a stupid idea

  2. still tryna figure out why i got banned from smp and how long and why i didnt get a warning for advertising when i got asked from mike what the server ip was i answered then i got banned! Really? never done anything wrong ever and i advertise once and get straight ban! thats a bit harsh! LMK for how long at least

  3. k i was mining with bugboy and laz is mad at me cause i left his town so he wanted to kill me so laz tpd to bug and he accepted and laz started to kill me outta nowhere so i discinnected and he set a lava trap to me so when i join im about to die is their anyway i can get out of this w/out dieing i have so much diamond stuff on me! i will pay 10 diamnds to whoever gets me outta this shit! Thanks... FUUUUU Laz ur mad cause i left ur town get over urself

  4. Gunna miss you Moufisto youve been the only one that has really understood me and ive never had a problem with you!! Wish you would stay man! and BTW all who were wondering... i am back for good officially sorry i had a lot of schooling shit and got distracted! But i am back and would like to be whitelisted for smp and promoted back to adept Smile thanks

  5. im pretty sure we still have /static! that is a very helpful command idk if artisans are allowed to use it or not but if you are then no "complaining is necessary"!!
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