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  1. i do when i can, im trying to get the T-95 tank destroyer (305 mm of frontal armor O,o)
  2. hi, i would like a, uh, whitelist with a large fries, and, uh, (hmm, do i want the sprite, or, OH!) a large rootbeer please!
  3. We have been over this many times before, do /CLIENT COLORS Sincerely, MattiZWE~ "/client colors" does make it easy to tell artisan from mason, but it messes up everything else. just sayin
  4. invader, please be serious if you really want this to happen.
  5. This is not my personal request, it is that of some of the artisans. Altho there are 3 artisanhuges, we want more land. specifically a Big map, comparable to huge's 1-4. The current artisanhuges are rather small for a huge. Resizing an existing artisanhuge would be ok, at least from what i got from people talking about it. -the Artisans
  6. im speaking for the artisans that were on at the time, including myself. the artisans who were on (bloody christain poptart kschu steeler timtam and me) are requesting a color change. the colors we were looking at were Olive and Magenta. i dont know how to make a poll, i would have done that if i could have. -the Artisans
  7. About artisan color change request and land requests, iv made a new topic. go there about that please.
  8. mabey not sued, but could still be shut down. the ops don't like people even talking about illegal minecraft, (saw a novice get an earfull about it one time) so i doubt they would adapt SMP to allow it.
  9. I dont think they will do that, since if they do, anyone could sign in as anything. like someone could sign in as sharok and give him/herself 10,000 diamonds or somthing. plus that might be seen as promoting getting illegal minecraft, and onion could be made to shut down AITM or get sued, ect. just sayin. (still the op's decision tho)
  10. This ones for you, frogger. (and for my lazer license
  11. hey, this looked like the right place to post this, and if it isn't, sorry. So, can i be whitelisted please? EDIT; i'v been whitelisted, thanks to matti, doom, and whoever else made that happen!
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