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About the_pungulator

  • Birthday 06/07/1998
  1. I am currently making a minecraft map, but ran out of ideas so I'm looking for suggestions. Any and all good or even do-able suggestions will be used, and credit will be given via a words and giant avatar build at the final area/room.
  2. I put all the answers to those comments in the description of the video, except the full screen, which it was set on, I just couldnt figure out how to cut out the little thing at the bottom.
  3. I chose it and put up my first video. the name of the channel is thedailypung because i plan on doing a video a day.
  4. hmmm... seems likeill have toincrease the limit of my server to 5 from 3. sounds like a pretty big and fun lets play.
  5. If you do Ill pm you the info. ps if I am violating any rules by posting this please let me know.
  6. Its always good to be creative. 1. Aperture Science Portal Gun-Portal/Portal 2 2. Coconut Gun- Donkey Kong 64 3. Pokeball- Pokemon
  7. Has anyone heard of Minecraft?
  8. I am invulnerable to the game! As I am Mario and am already in a game. Brb, Bowers back.
  9. What?!? Dem is a WHAT? He said he was my dad!
  10. @Choc- to smoke life, light people on fire, stick them in your mouth, and smoke them like smarties.
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