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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. ahhh ok... here we eat our hot meal usually in the evening... except on Sundays. Well most people anyway
  2. and she cooks dinner beside??? that's a lot of cleaning up. I could cook all day long.. but I hate the clean up
  3. does your Mother cook a hot lunch every day?
  4. no idea.. but people say that they are rubbish too.. but I love them!
  5. ugh hate this,, but done for the day
  6. i wouldn't mind getting an amber either.. i see them in houses and they're kind of pretty
  7. well.. 5 sandwiches... three baits lost, a starfish and something else
  8. about to give up on it.. I keep losing my bait LOL
  9. have been trying.. can't seem to reel it in.. am dumb about these things
  10. I looked allover - can't find any spoilers at all... other than you can cath one of those groovy teddy fish with the groovy sandwich... but it seems i forgot how to fish
  11. not a problem.. and to be honest.. i am going back outside.. I would have stayed longer but didn;t wear my slippers out there. got way too cold way too fast.... so be back again, very soon
  12. ooo and again, thank you both! thanks Sophie for helping out with the Hunt and thank you Kijo for hosting that hunt. I don;t deserve any prizes this week. I collaborated on so many items.. so hold me out of prize drawing, please
  13. anyone have a link for new stuff that they could PM me?
  14. back Good morning Bee.... heaters out at work again?
  15. be back in a few.. time for a walk to the garage
  16. well Kijo.. I sure hope they can find out what is causing your pain and address it. I know about chronic pain.. it's not fun.. and after a while you start thinking maybe it's in your head blah blah blah
  17. no sorry.. didn't get a picture..
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1245200/Foam-party-Brussels-covered-foam-firefighters-protest.html
  19. ok just saw it.. firefighters were protesting about promotions (in Brussels) and sprayed all their foam
  20. uh oh, what did we do? : D Something about protests and foam.. They flashed a photo of police using shields against foam? I changed the dchannel.. so not sure what it was all about
  21. don't you have to fast for those lipid profiles?
  22. ooo Belgium just made it on our news!
  23. I have to tell you both something cute.. one day over the weekend I was doing my visits... and Joki imagined up a wedding cake.. I didn't even know PS had one! since then I found out they could be baked.. ... but I thought the whole thing was really cute
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