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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. i have to work 9-3 all week... will probably miss it LOL
  2. likewise Armell... do you need some homegrown roses to decorate with? I have all these roses leftover from the Rosebowl game
  3. <---waiting for daughter to bring home Chinese food... yummmm
  4. so I have a question.. what time is this wedding going to happen?
  5. ok.. going to go some stuff I guess.... see you all later
  6. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    great that we can take care of Tiph! This is exactly what this Registry is all about!
  7. waltzes in and makes a second pot of coffee..... anyone around?
  8. I', nowhere close to the magic room solution.. so don;t wait for me. I had fun with it anyway!
  9. never saw that.. i'll be in trouble for sure
  10. well I guess I better go converse.. hmm turns out he's hungry too.. guess we ate too early last night.. I'll be seeing you Tanya.. sorry to leave you alone
  11. nope.. never heard you ask.. (or read) I'll make sure if I get doubles on clothes. etc I'll send some along. Would you believe my husband isnow awake, too? boy, Robin is going to be surprised when she walks in the door tonight!
  12. gnight Armell oo I didn;t know that was your friend Tanya! I just saw on my FB she needed a dwarf and I had an extra
  13. so happy to have that sewing room cleaned out, as much as it can be. It just got dumped on when Daughter moved back home and we had to break up my room upstairs here
  14. yay Tanya! so frustrating when things dont work right
  15. hey.. have you scrubbed pets lately? I can;t believe the amount of coins we get now
  16. oh.... just a little something for you!
  17. yeah.. it's such an anti-social behavior these days. So mush so, that we don't even do it in our own houses
  18. well I am back... and starving!
  19. will be right back.. and you guys know where I'm going, I bet
  20. Oh you're more than welcome Tanya.. are you finished now?
  21. hey there Armell.. I don't think I've seen you all week. Everything OK? or do we just have bad timing?
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