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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. will brb..... btw Wish has mail too!
  2. Good morning Sharon! you know I never asked.. are these your kids or Hubby's? (I know that you both consider them yours now, but wondered) For all I know they are the children of both of you! Just so far away from you
  3. Thought of you last night Gill.. was watching "As Time Goes By"
  4. he's ok... will never be 'GREAT' but he goes along, does as much as he can
  5. Good morning Gill! doing well here,, thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you. And as far as the music goes, Tanya's in the mood today!
  6. oh my visits are done.. was talking about the bags of coins - the 50 coin thing
  7. but you have mail there right now, from last night!
  8. yeah it's bad.. I had quit for 6 years - the smell was horrible. But I do smoke in my own car, if hubby's not riding with me. Won't smoke in his car, though
  9. oo the UK is waking up! those coins are starting to hit FB again!
  10. the good thing about going out to smoke is that your house stays clean and you don't kill others, the bad thing is it takes so much more time
  11. so, are you working tonight?
  12. awww. I feel like that song was just for me!
  13. and see? you didn't even miss me!
  14. now.. I have to leave for just a few min.. as I want a cigarette, but I can promise you I'll be back. Am done sleeping for the night - though sure I'll be back in bed before ten am
  15. i could see that... or should I say hear it? lovely voice though
  16. wow.. i think the page refreshed all by itself
  17. sorry I missed you.. went to put in aload of laundry and got sidetracked
  18. Frannie

    Special Pet Photos

    I love the Musketeers pic.. especially since it was made for ME! You girls gave me the candlesticks for my birthday and I shall always treasure them!
  19. @ Kijo.. hmm no fruit at all on my trees today @ Sophie it's good to treat yourself to jewelry once in a while and to all.. I need to go get showered.... will be back before work, if I have time have a great day, everyone
  20. yes indeed, you'd be making oyur own here as well. Sounds way too complicated. Powdered creamer has way too much swetness to it , so I don't use it, unless of course I've run out of cream. Not sure why they feel it's necessary to add corn syrup to the powdered stuff
  21. I use a very short thin needle.. can hardly feel the needle, but sometimes the insulin burns.. not always, and I haven't figured out what makes the difference
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