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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. <--- plans to hit 1000 posts today, one way or the other
  2. but don't feel bad for this poor old blind lady who can barely see.... no...... don't feel bad at all LOLOLOL
  3. those hints are not as easy as you think.. we've tried that method... can't figure out where they all come from
  4. BG.. I think they fixed the love flower turning bad... and that does sound strange
  5. and by the way.. the fruit from the heart tree is called "Homegrown Love Cherries"
  6. wait.. so can I ask? number 8 is NOT the cyclops????
  7. I think I've got # 8.... if I do, however, I do not want the special prize/points for finishing first... since I didn't get these on my own, but through a collaborative effort with Miss Dawn. She did the bulk of the identifying.. I just know where to find things! lol
  8. does it end today????!!!!!
  9. I hate that it takes so long to publish these announcements. I'm hyper today, too Kijo. And waiting for my boss to ring my phone and call me off today, but not sure it's going to happen
  10. ooo my heart tree grew fruit!!!! so cute!
  11. am working with Dawn.. we might have it.... lol
  12. whew glad you're back I missed you so much dear sweet loving cuddly Kijo! umm can I get a little hint on number 8 please? even if you narrow down the category for me
  13. well stay bundled up Sophie and grab a nice hot chocolate and just relax.. we're also getting a Winter Storm today.. 8-12 inches of snow predicted. Hubby decided to work from home today, even though it hasn't started yet. Will be bad by the time we would be due to come home
  14. where is Kijo, anyway.. must be making breakfast, huh?
  15. oh my! those are great Bee! My favorite is the one with the guns, though I don't believe in guns!
  16. Hi sweetie! I'm actually not home, spending a quiet and relaxing day at the apartment (way too bad weather for me to go skiing and a bit too sore). Can I help you with an item maybe? (I won't participate this week,; not sure about next one either) Item 8 has me so puzzled... you don't have to tell me what it is.. just A HINT would help!
  17. hurry hurry i just posted a hideeni!
  18. yeah Bee... post them! I want to see!
  19. Hi Armell.. am well, thanks for asking! Hope you're doing ok? Hey BG!.. I need you over on the scavenger hunt.. are you home from your trip? Hi Bee... nothing worse than a bad internet connection. But I hope you're doing well today
  20. ewwwwwwwwwww.. got em all except that pesky number 8... back to trying to figure out what it is!. Have I told you lately...... I LOVE THIS GAME !!!!!!!!!!
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