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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. and as long as I am asking questions.. does anyone have a list of the 12 colors for the roses?
  2. I still don;t know... I keep mine in the back garden now... just in case. I didn;t hear anyone else having the problem I had, though
  3. I never did get my morning nap.been looking for those scavenger hunt items.....guess I'll just take a longer afternoon nap LOL
  4. i have to go.. see you all soon
  5. Thanks so much Bee..... I already found a different solution though... I DO appreciate the thought
  6. thought I had one,.. but guess not
  7. no problem.. thanks for looking!
  8. does anyone have last years red heart wallpaper.. a spare that I can trade something for...
  9. Frannie's entries for 7 Feb hunt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  10. well.. gonna treat myself to a morning nap.. see you all later
  11. 30 pounds is approximately 13.61 kg.
  12. Hugs Tiph !! I have not seen you in such a long time! Are you back home yet? Just heard about your gas leak last week
  13. I keep a separate list.. also a list for family and one for quilting friends. everyone gets full access, but it helps me when there are gifts to send to have a list. I've tried that sending thing on lottery and roses.. It always hangs up my browser .. shrugs
  14. Hi Paige will be right back
  15. kitchen, please. but if I have doubles, I'll send them back for prizes for next time... does that sound fair?
  16. ok.. I'm going to rant here.. and this has probably been discussed last week... but why is Playfish making us wait until Valentine's day to open these cash shop items? What good will they do AFTER Valentine's day? that's all, I am done now
  17. just teasing, of course, since it's only Monday.. we don;t usually start discussing until Wednesday or so LOLOL
  18. hurry back with lunch Dawn.. we have scavenger hunt items to discuss!!!
  19. The burgers were awesome. the pizza even better!!!! but now a ton of leftovers.. but it's ok. I have one of those vaccum pack thingies.. really saves a ton of money. going out for a smoke. Kijo probably leaving soon.. so go safely my friend!
  20. back.. had to enter a trivia contest on local news station
  21. Good morning Tanya! Yay for the Saints! we were cheering here, that's for sure!
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