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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. LOLOL life is good.. am working, it's tax season here... i don;t mind working when it's only 3 months a year
  2. think I'm gonna give up so how is school Adam? and life in general?
  3. thanks both for your help... and yeah that was a petling
  4. believe it or not that's not a teddy LOLcause I thought that at first.. The good news is if you put up something wrong, Kijo will tell you so that you can change it
  5. i know, i would really like to play! , but i rarely have time for anything , weekends i have plenty of time but by then im usually using my time to just visit so i can buy the tws before it goes i can participate in quick games , and sometimes chatting but thats about it understood.. I like this one because I can look when i have a few minutes.. then search for the irems during visits
  6. is there a makeup like that? lipstick or some such?
  7. see? fun game.. surprised you don't play Paige
  8. not the pond.. there were 2 fish this weekk and I got both of them already
  9. nope bottom seems wrong for firecracker.. but good try!
  10. lemme go look at firecracker
  11. which can you see, by the way?
  12. really? squint your eyes up.. it's easier that way..
  13. I even thought apple apron... but it doesn;t have anything hanging at the bottom
  14. tried both of those already.. Kijo says no -
  15. you'd probably love this game Adam.. like I said starts every Monday.. and you have until the following Monday - believe me, it usually takes the whole week!
  16. thanks Paige.. am sure it's something obvious.. but none of us have found it.. I've resorted to going category by category through the database
  17. tried all of those already.. rabbit sachet included LOL
  18. anyway.. i have 19 out of 20.. but this last one is making me nuts! third row most right
  19. great prizes... but we all would play for no prize!
  20. ahh every week Kijo runs a game.. she posts blurred PS items.. 20 of them.. and then you try to figure out what they are and post pics of your pet with them... it's in the competitions part here..
  21. It would be item 15.. third row.. most right
  22. hey Adam! long time no see!
  23. am scouring the database.. just trying to get the last item for the scavenger hunt and it's making me carazeeeeeeeeeee
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