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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. yeah Gill... something 'clean' tasting would be good right about now
  2. is Andy your OH, Wish? His name come up as a suggestion for befriending at least once a day!
  3. my PS is not loading.. maybe they're fixing the floatie situation
  4. Hi everyone..checks watch.. 3 minutes to 5... i figure it must be time for that bar to be open.. A blood Mary for me, please?
  5. nope keep it.. and give me a hug.. I worry about you, just like a Mom would!
  6. oh well.. gonna go too be back later
  7. btw Paige.. the new hunt has been posted
  8. thanks Paige.. any ideas for brightening?
  9. here's the vet office.. looks awful drab though - need to punch it up
  10. oh I remember Olympics! Actually didn;t recall.. went back and looked
  11. I forgot which theme you were going for Gill... but very nice
  12. very pretty there though Yay.. Robin is going to shop for me so I don;t have to go out!
  13. even made morning news programs over here
  14. they have been to Trebon, and 2 other places which I have already forgotten the names of
  15. wow.. i wished for you and there you are!!!!
  16. wish Bee was here... watching a travelogue on Czeck..... never realized they had internment camps
  17. Back.. Robin woke up and we sat out there a bit longer than I thought I would
  18. going for a quick walk out to smoke.. be back in a few
  19. that tiger costume is cute.. will probably wind up buying coins later this week... for now I can resist
  20. I'm not worried about it, honestly Gill Am making a Veterinarian's office for room 2
  21. only twice have I bought something I hated... this is one of them.. and the other I got rid of last week.... dumped that jalisco dress on Wish LOLOL
  22. sure thing.. if you like it keep it
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