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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. I believe they have tickets.. It's the older ones 22nd bday today
  2. I'm good Armell, starving and ready to eat my arm, but rice will be done in 5 minutes. How are you?
  3. they should have trimmed it better.. would have looked more real
  4. The Younger one.. he's at Uni.. I forget which one.. majoring in film arts
  5. This is the Older one, the one who chefs at Edgewater casino!
  6. Hi Army! yayyyyyyy Go Canada!.. my nephews are having the time of their life!
  7. lol would have turned into orange chicken.... but we prefer the garlic and oregano
  8. gnight Boo! and I am back. Sweet Hubby found the lemon juice! I can't believe I don't have a single lemon in the house and am making Greek chicken.... but he saved the day!
  9. well.. going to go take a walk to the garage.. will leave you all here, though, as it's way too cold out there!
  10. Yes I finally got it last wednesday so have had it for almost a week. I can open more than one window without it crashing I can now do several things at the same time, and boogie looks like shes on steroids Ive never seen her move so fast [/quote] awesome! maybe you'll be by a bit more then! I've been gone a few mornings a week, working, but peak time is almost over. Spoke to Boss today, told her I'll be making my travel plans soon!
  11. I've missed you too... Did you ever get your new computer?
  12. ahh Gill... well gnight. Figured it might be too late.. but thought I'd try
  13. just got into PS myself.. many many tries!
  14. I have to go too... sorry bout that
  15. <--wants to go.. think they have bargain airfares?
  16. microwave broken.. going to put lunch in the oven brb
  17. How exciting.... Prague with Hubby, I hear it's beautiful, just saw a travelogue this week! and then you two get ting together?! We want pics!
  18. (and just so you know Boo.. that clock nudging was to open the bar... not shorten your time here)
  19. sneaks in and nudges the minute hand on the clock up 23 minutes...... Hi Boo! Heya Wish... anyone else around?
  20. Kijo.... I put up some pics... can you give me a preliminary check, please? page 55
  21. Frannie's entries 1 2 3 4 5 6 stupid fish had me stalking all my fishing friends. YES I have fishing friends due to this game! 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Spaceman Pants 17 18 19 20
  22. well.. off for some soap operas and lunch.. see you all later
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