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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. have not heard from either Kim or ching. Kim is active, but not cleaning her pet or buying valentine stuff. Ching is not on my list any longer. I had to trim and inactives went... although now that we get paid so much for cleaning and scrubbing, that was a mistake, wasn't it?
  2. have you got the registry sorted out Gill? Am waiting to see what else is needed... Are we even saving for anyone this week?
  3. OK gill.. actually I thought I was alone.. but really need to get some visits in.. will be checking back though.. and when you're done with the registry, maybe we'll have a cup of coffee... or the bar will be open by then!
  4. well.. gonna go get some visits done... see you all later!
  5. each was fine, until this last one got added.. now they are all interacting poorly
  6. Dawn... read your message first, please? ask me how much I care if they are happy, right now,, Paige? LOL
  7. anyone want a cat? a real one? Adding the third cat here has upset the community. My orange cat has taken to watering walls. the black cat hasn't appeared from the bedroom since Dec 1 and the new one is cute, but a troublemaker. She and the orange have been posturing for a fight for over 5 minutes now, noone wanting to strike the first blow. Poor big ol hairy dog is clinging to me. knows something bad is going to happen
  8. hmmm.. either the friend with probs... Mother.. or gasp... the builder!!!!
  9. have decided.. nope. not going out.. let the dog out and she was out for a total of three minutes.. COVERED with snow (although she may have taken a roll in it)
  10. back in a few... and going to make my decision about shopping.. I have SUCH a taste for ribs today
  11. is that for me? It's for anyone who wants to answer.. I don't know what it means Hi Paige!
  12. <--watches Are You Being Served and Keeping Up Appearances with the captioning on
  13. translation problem.... what does this mean/? ya don't cotch me out baby rofl!
  14. I DID buy it.. and yes.. am trying to figure out what you would like for a birthday present! KB.. it's in the cash shop.. supposed to be interactive. but since they won't let us open it until v-day, who knows how it works!?
  15. hey there's the Birthday girl!!!! how ya doing with the hunt? I have about 8 or so, will share if you need. By the way, did you ever buy that Valentine Hot tub? I'm dying to see how it's interactive
  16. i'm thinking about braving the snow to go grocery shopping.. but I don't know if I have the patience to deal with the "people" who are panicking about bread and milk! what's up with that, anyway. People who only drink milk once a year start stocking up in snow emergencies
  17. Did Kijo make that? she's so very talented Have we seen Dawn yet today?
  18. be back in a few... whewwwwwwwww.. school got cancelled so the kid who does my driveway and sidewalk will be available to clear today
  19. think I'll send her as note to come clean my house.. ooo better yet,, go grocery shopping so I don't have to go out in the snow
  20. <-------- puts on her armour and deflector shields,, don't want to be near when Mount Gill explodes
  21. bye Kijo... drive safely! Hey there Wish!
  22. good morning..! snow again... schools are closed and we are nearing a level 1 snow emergency again.. gahhhhhh I hate living in the Ohio Valley
  23. i found a post from Dawn over in the Scavenger hunt.. no l ist.. not that there's a shortage of items to buy right now LOL
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