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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. wow... gonna be a busy girl.. but will help you catch up/get ahead money wise. Just be careful you don't get too run down. Congratulations!
  2. hey Kijo... I saw you mention yesterday something about a new job... can you fill me in? I'd hate tohave to go through all the back posts
  3. Aahh Frannie - well I'm glad someone got a lie in today. :: well... you know.. lie in for me = 5:30 am
  4. that's cause I just got here Tanya.. how's the party prep? I am going to be baking bread type things all day and trying to get myself organized
  5. good morning! you didn't miss me Wish.. I slept in today!
  6. I have a Roman side table in my fancy upstairs bathroom! as far as fish go, Dawn and I have found a source!!! wooo hooooooooooo
  7. well folks.. going to go get dressed so I can help daughter clear the snow off the car. See you all later. feel better soon Gill
  8. hmmmm... never knew that Gill... I do a pretty regular trimming on my friend list.. so maybe that's why. Hate to be mean about it, but if you're idle for over a week.. and I am not aware of a problem (like with Tiph or Lisa) off you go!
  9. could always click ignore (goes faster) and start over. more than half are probably expired by now anyway
  10. he needs a chest waxing... ick
  11. thanks for the link Audrey!
  12. back in a few.. need to get some supplies out of the garage and may as well have a smoke while I'm there!
  13. I'm so happy I'm done with that (and have been since I was 32).. I feel deep sympathy for everyone though. Just think, you have hot flashes to look foward to! OH.. and you don't have to shave your legs as much, just your mustache!
  14. try looking here it should explain it all thanks for that link.. it was the paw POUNDS I was wondering about, however... no biggie though
  15. yaknow.. I love when you mess with me Kijo.... especially with clues like "it will spell itself out'' ' bwha ha ha!
  16. so can someone tell me.. where we do we spend these paw pounds?
  17. yes, fed up with it.. we don;t get much snow here in central Ohio.. but really overcast skies all winter long, very depressing
  18. hurry up Kijo... drive North and west... we have snow!
  19. oh well... going to go for a smoke or two.. see you all later
  20. love that pic with the elephant!
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