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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. hiYa BG! thanks for that link yesterday.. was so bored and felt like chatting.. Then got busy @ work right up till leaving time
  2. Hi Armell! how ya doin? haven't seen you in a while
  3. and now I'm hungry.. and don;t know whether I should do sweet or salty..
  4. hey you! how are ya? had the worst dream.. had to get up to chase it away!
  5. ok Kijo.. I made a few changes.. ready for another check. sending you a PM on # 9
  6. I think the worat of the weather has been here and gone, now the cleanup, cold enough though that tonight it will freeze again if folk don't clean well
  7. hihi jumping on from work.. so bored today. Hope I can go home when boss gets in
  8. I had red ninja pants for number 9.. still wrong?
  9. ok i removed my 4 7 and 9... hmm snowy day.. no boss till noon!
  10. The driving I can handle.. it's the walking that scares me! These knees are one year old and almost (March 2) one year old. I don't want to fall and mess them up. It's been so wonderful to be pain free
  11. well shower done, hair done, teeth brushed.. might as well eat breakfast cause no phone call telling not to come in... whines...... but it's icy and cold out.. and the ice is sneaky and hiding under the snow.... and I want to stay home
  12. sighs.. was waiting for Kijo before I got ready for work. I don't want to work today - it's snowy and icy and this old lady is afraid of messing up her new knees. But I guess I better go shower,, cause if I have to work, I don't want to be looking like this!
  13. If you girls have the same problem I did in posting pics here.. just use the brackets and img or /img in front of your link
  14. sorry gals.. i don;t feel well all of a sudden.. see you next time
  15. I only need the lilac colored rose and have not been able to get it.. am so tired of these roses....
  16. everything crossed for you Bee!
  17. yes.. it's getting really rough out there right now, although I think PA got it worse than we did
  18. woo hooo daughter just got called off work! too bad it costs her PTO (personal time off) but I'm happy to see her not be driving.. or worse stuck there all night
  19. I'm back.. wow.. took forever for my system to shut down!
  20. Hey there Kijo! would you please give a check for what I have already posted? Thanks much!
  21. wow my system is screwy.. going to restart and be back
  22. ack!!!1 the picturepaster thingie here is not working.. it only wants to place my pics in number 20... regardless of where i try to paste it. Am halfway done but will have to search more and post later
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