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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. I like the new rules!!!!! Now on to collaboration!
  2. Frannie

    Special Pet Photos

    OMG! that surf picture is just amazing!
  3. anyway, adios! before I start waking up
  4. looks like we will hit our 100 pages today.., and then we can start titling our thread February
  5. so Gill, while I hate to leave you all alone, maybe it's for the best.. my head is finally nodding off
  6. and I'm almost ready to go back to bed myself. Been up since three
  7. The phone is Internet capable.. seems like something both hubby and I will enjoy (he got the same model - was buy one get one free) but it has us bewildered. I'm sure it's just a learning curve, first to use the touch screen, then to figure out how to navigate it. It's google driven, so I shall start using my gmail account more often
  8. ooo I think I hear Robin's car pulling up! good thing,too, as she has to be @ work in three hours!
  9. It's one of those touch screen phones... The sales person told me nails don't make any difference, but he lied
  10. That's what I hear. Hubby has trifocals.. I can barely wear plain old sunglasses. I am lucky in that I have one very near sighted eye and one very far sighted eye. Put them together and I have built in bifocals
  11. Great! I wasn't sure if you understood Cajun culture or not.. but I guess the punch line is universal!
  12. so..... I got a new cell phone yesterday. I will need to go to school before I figure out how to use it LOL I asked Robin to help me, but she has no patience with me
  13. wow.. that's small.. Hope you can read it. Not sure why that happened
  14. a joke, then.... unfortunately I'm not sure our UK friends are going to 'get' it. A Cajun died and went to hell. The devil assigned him the usual punishment...put him in the mass pit where the heat was melting others. The devil came back sometime later surprised to find the Cajun just sitting around, not even misting, much less sweating. "How come you're not so much as sweating here where everyone else is screaming for relief from the heat?" [size=9]The Cajun laughed and said, "Man, I was raised in the bayous of Sout Looziana. Dis ain't nothin' but May in Morgan City to me!" [/size] [size=9]The devil decided to really put the Cajun through it. He put him in a sealed off cave in the pit with open blazes and four extra furnaces blasting. When he came back, days later, the Cajun was sitting pretty, had barely begun to bead up with sweat. The devil was outraged. "How is this possible!? You should be melted to a shrieking puddle in these conditions!." The Cajun laughed even harder than before. "Hey, man! I done tole you. I was raised in Sout Looziana. You tink dis is heat?! Dis ain't nothin' but August in Cow Island !" ! So the devil thought, 'Alright, a little reverse ought to do the trick.' He put the Cajun into a corner of hell where no heat ever reached. It was freezing and to add to the Cajun's misery, he added massive icebergs and blasting frozen air. When he returned, the Cajun was shivering, ice hung from every part of him but he was grinning like it was Christmas. Exasperated, the devil asked "HOW!? How is it possible?! You're impervious to heat and here you sit in conditions you can't be used to...freezing cold and yet you're happier than if you were in heaven. WHY?!" The Cajun kept grinning and asked, "Don't dis mean de Saints won da Super Bowl?" [/size]
  15. Tanya.. are you pulling for the Saints?
  16. ahhh ok... I knew it was someone! LOL
  17. I recall someone, I believe it was Gill, talking about our pets getting pets (way back last late Spring or early Summer)
  18. I wound up with three red surfboards.... gifted one to another friend, explaining how blessed I was that it was provided by other friends (it's what this is all about - isn't it?) And yet again, I have managed to lose one. Not sure why those disappear from my trunk?
  19. well Tanya. I was trading yesterday.. and got a very good deal for some CC that I rarely use... and I figured I could use these items! oh Boy! gonna be expensive this coming week!
  20. hmm that reminds me.. new stuff tonight.. need to find a preview
  21. you're welcome Wish.. I still have 11 sets left if you know anyone looking for them
  22. So happy I got my big clean up job on the basement sewing room done last weekend.. whew!!! that chore was the end of the transition for Robin moving back home. And now it's done
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