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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. hangs head... embarassed (sort of) to say that we have a TV in every room of the house, save restrooms. I admit I'm a junkie, but it's company for me. This new TV we purchased is huge... 58 inches, and I love it so much!

  2. my neighbor has sattelite.. we just have expanded digital cable. more than enough. And we get the high def stuff... which is still new to me, love it. Have truly been enjoying our treat to ourselves, the very large tv

  3. He's fine from the surgery. But I'm noticing more of a decline in his breathing ability. We are aware that this will never get better, but it's so disheartening when it gets worse. We know what lies ahead, just hard to face it all

  4. Please? if you have spares? I think when I came back from being away, I wasn't aware that items were in different sections? Just came home, rushed online and bought only those I saw. Or those pain pills really clouded my judgement. I don't want to take away from anyone we were saving for

  5. I'm good, thanks for asking. been trying to reduce my online time a bit, not really sure why. Sometimes, I feel I spend too much time - but then again, if everything that needs doing is done, who does it hurt?

    Have no traveling on the agenda until July, Been doing a lot lately
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