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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    back.... but getting really sleepy again
  2. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    (after I check and see what that bad cat did.. we've been having toilet problems... little b**ch)
  3. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'll be right back. bet you know where I am going :-)
  4. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    great.. I know I should drop her an email, just can't seem to get anything together these days. Feel very scattered
  5. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    would you do that please Bee? tell her we love her! Bye BG enjoy lunch!
  6. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    has anyone heard from Gill?
  7. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    yeah, I forgot to refresh the page twice already LOL.. sometimes we stay on the same page for 2 days
  8. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    [quote="Bee"] I saw it. Have it already.. surprised noone else spoke on it though
  9. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    hey there BG! long time no see
  10. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    will you need help with TWo stuff, or does it not matter to you any longer?
  11. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    previews of it look cute, though not exactly my style of movie.
  12. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm good Bee, thanks for asking. How are you?
  13. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Bee, you must be excited to be 'going home'
  14. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    you've been wanting to see that move for a while now... glad you finally get to go
  15. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    hmmm boss must be there... will be back later. Hope you're happy and well
  16. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you? Bet the lions were fun
  17. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    hi Bee... if you're still here!
  18. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi everyone! Back from camp and dragging my butt, other than that, all is well and let's just say - what happens @ camp stays @ camp. Can't begone to tell you howuch fun it is to be with 12-13 per friends who share a common art/hobby.
  19. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Just checking in very quickly to say hello. Am on my way to quilt camp and will not be here. I apologize for not being here much this week, have been doing lots of running. Hope everyone is happy and well!
  20. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi everyone.. just a little bit before new stuff comes in and I thought I would maybe catch someone. Got a note in PS from Gill. Her laptop computer has a virus and she can't connect at all. She asked I let you folk know. Just got done eating the most delicious dinner, Robin cooked tonight. Will have to send you the recipe Kijo
  21. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Was wondering if anyone was around going on 4:30 here and have not slept yet. Restless legs and a huge electrical storm. Figuring we're about to lose power very soon.
  22. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Well, either you got busy, or my phone is not working correctly. Either way, I'm going in the house to get myself set up for today. Will catch you later if I can. Have an awesome weekend
  23. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Yes, I have the same request and it's stated as such in my final documents. Tissue as well. Not pleasant to think of, but you must make these plans ahead of time.
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