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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Good morning. Sad day here, we are going to have to put Robin's little cat Zoe down. She had been attacking the other pets yesterday morning, so we placed her on Robinson bedroom. After about an hour, she went after a sleeping robin. Three stitches to the scalp and countless wounds and scratches. Don't know what set her off, but can't trust an animal after its turned.
  2. will catch you next time
  3. well Bee.. as nice as it has been chatting, I have to get going. I need to buy two new tires, ugh
  4. especially if you're meeting new people through the elephants
  5. maybe you'll have someone by then!
  6. As for me, anytime is good. though I am usually gone in mid september as I like to spend my birthday in Arizona. Christmas, not the best time for others, though I would not mind company
  7. well.. it is nearly 3000 miles coast to coast.... east to west.. and then Seattle is way up northwest while miami way south west.. we span 3 time zones
  8. Miami is VERY far from Tanya
  9. Chicago is a main city.. Jacksonville is an international Airport as is Seattle, I'm sure. If you can pre clear on flights.. then I guess it doesn't matter about weather aiport is international r not. Been a long long time for me
  10. What do you think of all this clicking required to fulfill the wishes of others in PS? I find myself spending more time on FB looking for requests than I do playing the game
  11. well.. i hope you can pull off all this planning, I'm sure you can. Sounds like you will have something to keep you busy LOL. Just remember that it will be easier to fly into one of the major cities, might even get a direct flight. Customs will have to clear you at some point. Been so long since I've done any international flying
  12. and is Lenka your friend from back in the day?
  13. Mary Callahan? she seems so so sweet
  14. it's always good to 'go home'. and your sister would be thrilled tosee you, I'm sure
  15. another thought, if airfare becomes too expensive. if you only fly into Chicago, I would still drive up to meet you and give you the tour. You have tons of time to plan, though
  16. Going to go inside and boot up computer. It's already too hot to be in garage. 2 minutes
  17. Yes had a good Holiday. Mark has had vacation all week so was nice and relaxed. I like southwest airlines, myself. Especially for Chicago, since they fly into the smaller airport.
  18. Remember, I have family there. They would like to see me once a week
  19. I can do Chicago any time of year. Takes me 20 minutes to pack a bag lol
  20. No not too much at all. Is a six hour drive and I do it 5/6 times a year anyway. I know the hot spots in Chicago and would love to give you my insiders tour.
  21. See you Saturday BG. Statistics woo hoo! The rest, you know what to expect at least
  22. Good morning. bee if you made it to Ohio I would drive you to Chicago.
  23. I'll pop back in once he gets interested in some day time television LOL
  24. Gill.. sorry to say, but I have to leave you. Mark is awake and I hate to ignore him on his vacation
  25. I like that you have something to be excited about! I suppose I may start quilting again in earnest, come Fall. There's eno0ugh to keep me from ever being bored in Summer, but if this game is declared dead, then I'll need something to fill the hours. I never quilt much in Summer, though we will have or Retreat coming up in August, which is always a wonderful time!
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