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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. wow I must have the worst timing in the world
  2. but will have a drink to celebrate both victories today !
  3. recalls the Revolution LOL
  4. ARMY!!!! at least! we're here at the same time
  5. catch you all next time.. and if I don't see you Marie.. have a wonderful trip
  6. that's still a lot of miles.. and on that note... going to go back to bed and rest a little bit for you LOL
  7. you know, the ones that come up fast on you.. when you're not expecting them?
  8. ooooooo mice... yeah.. am afraid of them too... yes, I know I am much much bigger than any of these things.. but I hate sneaky critters
  9. truth be told, I've never camped.. I have a fear of crawling things, and am not crazy about flying things either
  10. yeah.. you get out of the groove Kijo and it's hard to get back into it
  11. Hey kijo, welcome back! and marie, I guess that's good, even though camping is not my thing. At least you will be away
  12. I'm back and I'm good, thanks for asking! How are you?
  13. oh well.. going to get some visits in and then maybe back to bed
  14. well worth waking up for!
  15. good morning!!!!! I get to see Marie and Army!
  16. hmmm.. will be doing visits.. drop me a note if you'd like
  17. Appears I'be missed every one. That's what I get for staying up until 4 am! Cat h you next time. For what it's worth I still play the game. I guess I'll never grow up. Would play with dolls still if I could LOL
  18. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    TWS new 20 June 2010 GARDEN STORE Gardening NO TWS Furniture Magical Sand - 1000 2 Pet Tiki Statue - 1500 1 Pink Striped Beach Umbrella - 500 1 Green Striped Beach Umbrella - 500 0 Pink Striped Beach Towel-400 1 Green Striped Beach Towel - 400 1 Petlings NO TWS Fish NO TWS FURNITURE STORE Living Pink Bucket - 200 2 Suntan Oil - 100 2 Beach Bag - 350 1 Kitchen and Bathroom NO TWS Bedroom NO TWS MARKET STORE Toys and Collectable NO TWS Party and Gifts NO TWS Cool Stuff Purple Surfboard - 900 1 CLOTHING STORE Girls Tiki Dancer Flower Outfit - 400 1 Tropical Flower Crown - 250 1 Tropical Flower Bracelet - 100 1 Tropical Flower Anklet - 100 1 White Swimming suit - 300 1 Hibiscus Hair Clip - 200 1 White Flip Flops - 100 1 Boys White Flip Flops mentioned in girls - 100 Accessories Pink Rubber Ring - 200 0 Hair Stylist NO TWS DIY STORE Walls & Floors Tiki Hut Wallpaper - 600 1 Tiki Hut Floor - 300 1 Windows and Doors NO TWS Fixtures and Fittings NO TWS FOOD STORE Petlings & Fish Food NO TWS Grocery Pink Heart Ice Lolly - 60 2 Magic Food NO TWS
  19. And I am going to go in and boot up computer. I don't mind using my phone, but my left hand cramps using it. Such tiny little keys and they are touch, not really keys. Buy useful tool, this phone
  20. As for me, anything is fun. My only need is an occasional cup of coffee and an area outside where I can smoke!
  21. Hi BG! Only one of our three likes their belly rubbed. She will lie on her back, all four paws up, waiting for it. I'm getting really excited waiting for July 10!
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