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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. How is that sick baby doing? The one that got shot, right?
  2. Wow. Population explosion! Love kittens. But am ready to toss out Robin's white cat. Peeing everywhere in my house. She's getting fixed next Monday
  3. This besides the litter you posted the pics of?
  4. Nice weekend. Hot but not as hot as FL. Been watching Tanta's weather
  5. Exactly as I thought! She was sitting on the deck waiting to be let in.
  6. Brb have to find my dog. think she's getting senile and forgets which door I let her out from.
  7. Hi KIjo. hope you had a good weekend.
  8. oh well... soap opera time... catch you next visit
  9. well i am back.. not sure if you're still here or not Marie
  10. well then.. hi and bye Wish.. we just keep crossing oaths.. still on ohter forum Marie.. don't mean to ignore you
  11. hi Marie.. am in and out.. trading again...
  12. sorry I missed you Wish.... or are you still here?
  13. Sorry, I have to go. Have a great weekend Gill and Marie!
  14. Everyone's disappeared,according tolea. I reentered mine last night.
  15. Am using a cooling tray as well as a little four inch fan. I think it needs to go in for a checkup. But in the meantime I just shut it down and use my phone, like now
  16. I bet you enjoy your quiet times Marie... I'll brb.. time for a smoke..and to let computer cool down.. will connect with phone.. (I love technology)
  17. hmm marie.. I do that.. but it still seems to show for everyone
  18. will just post this one....
  19. I'm getting ready to post another.. How do you make the post for just one person to see?
  20. this trader I'm with is soooooo slow.. hope I'm not getting scammed
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