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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. yes, once a year.. but she has to work today
  2. thank you - I will read it when I get home in the evening Oh nothing to read, just something to unwrap and we're having rigatoni with meatballs today.. grab a flight Bee!
  3. Today is All About Steve and something else, All depends on what one of the girls brings.. or we will D/l something to our mutual liking
  4. ahhh the birthday girl has arrived home... at 4:30 am LOL
  5. Bee.. I just sent you some PS mail. I know you can't sign on from work, but it will be there when you can log on
  6. that little boy just isn't ready to face the world yet
  7. waves at Bee... but but my coffee is ready and I need a few drags.. will be back I promise
  8. Is Dennis relaxed now that Socks has moved on? Our Mooli is still on high alert with the interloper. It's been Since December 1 and the poor thing has still not accepted the fact that this is how it's going to be
  9. ahh I wondered why it wasn't loading
  10. It's become very easy to watch movies.. We have that huge 58 incher... and I am able to stream movies via the Wii directly to the TV , still at our flat rate rental of $9/ month
  11. oh i like things like that. Used to watch some baby zoo animals. Now, since we have our own zoo (tongue in cheek) not so much LOL
  12. and we lternate who provides the meal, and who provides dessert. There are only three of us, so we get a week off from providing anything. It's been great because thwere are so many films our husbands dont want to see and yet we still like them
  13. today is our new group.. we sew and watch a movie or two. Since we got this new TV we've been doing this and it works out wekl. The two other girls are hand stitching at the moment and I've been using my small portable. Am almost done with a Christmas quilt, as far as piecing the top together
  14. It's wonderful that you have such good train access.
  15. and don't let me keep you from leaving. I'm only on for a bit and then crawling back yo bed. I have guests coming today
  16. I'm good, thanks for asking. Hope you're well? So you have a big adventure planned for today?
  17. good morning, if any one is here
  18. well... ging to go have a smoke and then wander back to bed... 2:30 was entirely too early for me to get up.
  19. can you go ring the doorbell and then tell her you have guests ?
  20. make a bracelet with the teeth???
  21. we;ve had summer type weather. High 80's and 90 % humidity.. not complaining though, as I love it!
  22. that coffee is so pretty compared to what I am drinking in my christmas mug. yeah yeah I know it's June, but I like this mug
  23. poor bunny girl.. the good news is that this eventually goes away and you will never grow wisdom teeth again. Doesn't do you much good in the meantime, however
  24. and I notice no pet in PS.. so not really sure about her
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