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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. steal her, eh? I was looking for her to land somewhere in the midwest to do the same thing LOL. Maybe she needs to travel with a body guard?
  2. ahem... Zoonie looks adorable in his dress today!
  3. at least I have the camera.. it's just the case holding the cod and chager. If I don't find them, then they must be at cousin's house
  4. no hurry Kijo.. wouldn't those look great in a photo quilt! Gill, yesterday you wrote that 2 more people are in love with Socks.. are these two, other than the ones who adopted him? or the same?
  5. i'll check the car next. I recall wanting my camera while I was driving. Drove past what used to be a filed of planted con and now is a field of those huge turbine fans. Guess it's more profitable to gown electricity instead of corn these days. It was quite amazing! turbine afte tubine.. hubdreds of them, all spinning
  6. ooooo love those Kijo! hurry and erase! hmm could print those out on fabric, couldn't I?
  7. that might be Gill.. but it still bugs me. Going to go look in my large suitcase... be right back.. because this will bug me all day. Bad enough to misplace things, but when it's a whole week late... well just can't even retrace.... brb
  8. oh.... nice stuff Kijo! i love black and brown together
  9. always makes me wonder if I'm getting Alzheimers. I worry about it because my Mom had it. Then again, I'm so disorganized on a regular basis I shouldn't worry.. and this WAS a messed up week. I now have a lovely bruising going on all along the implant on the left knee.. but no pain thee, thank God
  10. well you have a good time! Bothered.. can't find my camera case, though the camera is in my purse. But charger and cord to D/L are in the case. Wonder if I left it at my cousins? So much happened with that fall I have forgotten even coming home
  11. hmmm.. our polls close at 7 PM.. a lot of folk don't even make it home from work by then. Of course, we're allowed absentee voting weeks ahead. so that's the easiest way to go, in my opinion
  12. now how did I manage a double post?
  13. Kijo.. hi welcome back from breakfast! hope it's not eggs and gravy again! Will you get to go to Disney Wold this trip? Have you ever been? Dawn, glad you understand the pinata thing now Been hearing about the election Gill. Sounds like a mess. Going to send you back one of last years Mom's day bouquet
  14. Kijo.. hi welcome back from breakfast! hope it's not eggs and gravy again! Will you get to go to Disney Wold this trip? Have you ever been? Dawn, glad you understand the pinata thing now Been hearing about the election Gill. Sounds like a mess. Going to send you back one of last years Mom's day bouquet
  15. will be back in a few. Walking Mark out to ca and going to have a smoke and coffee
  16. hey Dawn! I would complain about them leaving that pinata up there! Gill... now I have two of last years bouquets again.. so I must not have sent one? Admits to being confused
  17. Morning Gill! running around tidying up house. Have sewing company today
  18. aww darn.. I think I missed Dm... been so long since we said hello to each other. anyone aound?
  19. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    sent a set of market TWS today
  20. Frannie

    My real life PIF!

    wow.... how very nice for you. Can't wait to hear the end of this, how you pay it forward for someone else!
  21. Thanks for sending out the prizes for this. Got them today!
  22. Thank you so much for having hosted this. I've truly enjoyed playing and think you deserve the much needed break. I'll miss it... but I'm guilty of letting it slip while I am away. If you ever decide to come back with it... I'm there!
  23. so.. on that note.. will see you next time. Corsages have been sent to Kitty.. one red and one yellow! adios mi amigas
  24. I think it's great that OH likes to cook.... mine likes to eat! But I do have Robin who cooks on weekends. I need to be going, as well. Want to finish up this laundry (todays loads at least) before Mark gets home
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