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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. moving as we speak... this made me need a smoke LOL
  2. I'll pour while you type about the parcel and any more government happiness... G & T for you?
  3. ok that's a bit clearer. So this constituency which has not yet voted... can they swing things?
  4. okay.. will just be tossing items back and forth so Mark can get another room, I knew if anyone could compact the info for me it would be you
  5. where has boogie gone and disappeared to these days? hope all is well with her
  6. yes.. certainly some drama. I don't understand it all, could look it up, but I figure we have enough drama with our own
  7. was coming back to say I'd be by later.. but now that you're here.. will stay a bit
  8. I'm good Gill... hope you're not still rocking back and forth LOL
  9. pouring rain here in central Ohio. Day 2 of 4, they say, but at least the grass is green and lush
  10. hmm seems I missed you by minutes Gill.... such bad timing on all our parts
  11. checking in.. sounds like a mad house Gill. I could not tolerate people in my house as long as you have. Sorry to have missed you Sharon... maybe next time woo hoo for you Mindy!
  12. and on that note sweetie.. am going to say good bye/good night!
  13. same here.. at least Sunday.. spent yesterday doing the awful laundry.. it never ends.. and today I am going back to bed!
  14. good! so quiet here lately.. but I guess life gets in the way
  15. ouch I remember that.. when the brush accidentally gets back into the surgery area
  16. hey there BG... how are you? and how's the mouth?
  17. checking in... wondering if anyone is around?
  18. I'm here and am glad you had a good time Kijo. It was about time for you to enjoy yourself!
  19. Happy Mother's Day, as it applies. I miss chatting with you all. Kijo and Tanya, hope you are having a wonderful time!
  20. Am laying down, but came back on my cell to tell you I found the camera case! It was inside my laptop case: so I have not yet lost my mind yay!
  21. well we shall see. Keep me posted. I have to go lie down. Feel really dizzy and sick to stomach. Am sure it's last night's pain meds. Took two instead of one and that always gets me. have a good day, everyone. Drive safely kijo
  22. digital copies are fine. I print from the computer onto treated fabric, which is ironed to freezer paper so that the printer accepts it
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