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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. will check back later.. need to go do some 'stuff'
  2. and munching some saltine crackers to go with the cottage cheese I am having for lunch.. mmm
  3. watching Gill hang those blinds.. I still havent bought the Roman shade I want for my bedroom. The one that rolls down from the top
  4. well ladies... Mark is due home any minute and I would like to not be on the computer when he gets here. Going to prep dinner and then catch a nap before cooking. AND battery is dying, so best to leave before it cuts me off. Was good to see everyone in one place again
  5. i also think they need to make more rooms for those who are already 47. There's really nothing left to work for, as far as rooms go...unless you want to spend real money
  6. that golden bear, seems not right that they have been sold out right from the start. Did the UK folk even get theirs?
  7. Yeah I was much tinier when I got married as well. happy to say he loves me no matter my size! but I have to start working on that again
  8. hugs to you Wish.... yeah that's a huge plushie. Yesterday I left the PS window open, when I came back to look Misha was on the floor sleeping and it appeared that the giant plushie was laying on top of her. I was too slow in getting a pic though
  9. I keep seeing one in the airplane magazine, then forget to tear the ad out when I see it. It has the date on it in roman numerals... very unique, but it's yellow gold and I want platinum or at the least white gold
  10. and now. well just can't find one I like. I only want a band, no stone
  11. We need new wedding bands... I've not worn one in ten years... have not found it since we moved here. I just can't decide what I want. My stone was barely visible, but at the time we had decided we'd rather have a house than rings and we got into our first house 3 months after being married
  12. did you just finish 30.. or is that coming next year? Our 31st is the 26th of this month
  13. yes. Chipsters pet has been wearing her wedding gown all week. Can only imagine her excitement right now
  14. She told me in march when I was there that she was pregnant. I'm honored because I knew even before my brother and his wife, but only by 1/2 hour.. and only because I wake up early. She used her birthday to announce
  15. hi BG... glad you're well. My neice has made it past the first trimester. We've all been holding our breath. She had two misses last year, one in March and one in Sept, so fingers crossed. she will have this baby
  16. then I will not donate this week, unless you come up with a need. So many items and missing that week of visits caught up with me. Though I made a good deal yesterday for CC
  17. so you can manage visits with the track pad? I don't even know how to do that
  18. and that's oue latest news in the States... the immigration problem
  19. how's that for getting your mind off government? and while I am at it.. are we saving for anyone besdies Sharon this week?
  20. the transceiver for it only sticks out about 1/4 inch from the usb port
  21. on a lighter note.. i bought a new mouse in Chicago. I can't use the track pad, it cramps my hand. this one has some blue ray tech in it. It's so awesome, doesn't require a pad and can work on any surface
  22. I think you did well.... I will have to read a few more times to fully comprehend. I think our system is easier... but just as fraught with old hangings on
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