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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. bye Armell... good to see you
  2. <--checking airfares for a September trip to AZ.. woo hooo
  3. so does Kitty need a red or yellow cosage... or both even. Misha can only wear two at a time anyway
  4. yes.. they found some guy.. Pakistani born but naturalized US in 2003 (I think). Pulled him off a plane. He had a gun in his car, parked, with extra ammo clips. They got him because he called to book a flight,last minute, one way and paid cash. All ed flags, I guess
  5. If I didn't need a land line for mark's heart equipment, I would go with that Magic Jack. He can call any one in the world.. for $19.95 a YEAR!!! But instead the best I can do is any one in Canada, US, Mexico, Puerto Rico or Guam for $19.95/month. Too bad I don't know anyone in Guam, Mexico or Puerto Rico LOL
  6. I downloaded Skype for my mobile today. But I didn't know one had to pay still for international messages.. Will have to research it late
  7. I think I was just getting too over confident because the knees felt so great. I can't believe I made it through the entire icy winter without falling and then go do something as klutzy as falling off a stoop.. sheeeesh
  8. i have an extra red rose corsage.. and an extra yellow daffodil one...... anyone need one?
  9. any time ones has company sounds good to me Armell! especially a Sister! I have none, but I have a very good girlfriend who is like a sister to me. And the two cousins I just spent the week with last week are also as close as sisters.
  10. my R key is so cruddy, must be toast crumbs under it. I saw the coolest PC last week. had a backlit keyboard!!! would be perfect for my outside evening computer time
  11. well.... I AM old, you know.. so that part doesn't hurt. and feel much older with this lame leg again. I just wish I could see the series it came fom. Watched a really good BBC program with my cousin last week. And am so old I forgot the name of it. Was a two parter.. where a Jamaican couple rented an apartment from a single white woman, who "thought" she was widowed in the war..
  12. I love the items this week. Finally we are seeing something bright! And Zubok (hubby's pet) looks so dashing with his new mustache! They made this one much better than the Santa beard
  13. now that I am back I need to see if Tanya is still making siggies... just HAVE to have an old lady one!
  14. and I read nothing there about them being a one week only feature.. But I got as many as I could.. one extra.. I wonder.. did Wish get one? I could send it to her
  15. they'd be better off to place that scroll at the bottom. That's where my page always is.
  16. do you have a Mexican Chihuahua yet Sophie? the one with the hat? Arrmell...... you have mail!
  17. I will get you a new batch if I ever get out to the store again. I'm kind of liking this 'not grocery shopping' thing I have going on
  18. someone mentioned to me that they have now started placing special TWS items in the mystery boxes.. like that chihuahua with the hat. Do either of you know if that's true? Supposedly they will be gone in a weeks time?
  19. well thank you vey much Sophie... are you in need of skittles yet?
  20. sneaky??? Isn't that Misty's pet's name? lol It's not sneaky if I tell you I lost it...
  21. are you still planning on California this summer, Sophie?
  22. am pretty sure I still have them. something happened to my notes.. like the one where your mailing address was. If you want to hit me with that again, you never know when I might come across some skittles
  24. Robin uses a rice bag I made her. Raw ice, of course, not cooked. I made hers with channels for the rice, so that it's more pliable. How's the house renovation going Gill? I've missed all the updates
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