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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. my life has not been nearly as full... let's see.. I still need a haircut, still need a color job which I will do myself. Mark is on vacation this week but we are not going anywhere. We had toyed with the idea of going to Gettysburg, a civil war location. After careful thought though, this is not a good time. This is the anniversary of the big battle and it will be crowded. It's also VERY hot, so we will save it for the fall. Edie - the big ol hairy dog- is maintaining on her half dose of pain relief/anti inflammatory, though I see her aging by the day. I'm afraid I won't have her much longer
  2. so other than football... how's life Gill? Been so long since we had a sitdown
  3. yes Ghana looked like they had fun against the US.. I love the trading of jerseys... nice gesture amongst the players
  4. what's the reward for being corrupt? I s there a large betting pool? Or just country loyalty?
  5. your team got robbed, big time...
  6. the only way I can get in and get a full screen is to use the links on the left of FB... certainly not through any requests
  7. and here I am... have you recovered from your Sunday's match yet
  8. I am doing visits... drop me a line either there or on FB message and I'll run over and chat a bit
  9. thanks for the lullaby... though I imagine it's a rousing song!
  10. ahhh alright! thanks for explaining that. Doubt I'll be watching the game this afternoon, but if I do, will cheer your team on. Gill, am going to head back to bed. Sorry
  11. finally getting sleepy again. Been up three hours now after only four hours sleep
  12. LOL just noticed you have the three lions sitting on saucers in Zoonies house. You must have gotten tired of rearranging them and took a page from my book!. Tell me the significance of the three lions? Is it an England thing or a team thing?
  13. I sent Kitty one of the pixie dresses from the enchanted forest thing
  14. We meet on Saturday the tenth.. together until the 13th for Sophie.. then I leave early on the 14th
  15. I am back... getting very excited about meeting Kijo Tanya and Sophie etal
  16. maybe I shouldn't eat toast when playing games, eh?.. brb
  17. truly truly multitasking. The key worked great.. i placed my nail under it, (need a re-polish anyway) and flipped it right up.. Sure enough there was a huge toast crumb under it and it was right near where the center is. A brush would not have gotten it. I'm going to grab a quick smoke, and you can finish some of those tasks. Hope to see you when I get back
  18. not really sure how all the rules worked, but knew enough to understand the game. We were in a pub, I was eating fish and chips, felt so British!
  19. scary business popping a key off, but I am getting tired ofthis lappy overheating figured what did i have to lose?
  20. llllll whoot i fixed it!
  21. oo you're back. a*most gave up on you. Yeah I actua**y watched the match too
  22. ahh you must have *eft a*ready. I need to go find a brush and try to get out whatever is under that stupid key
  23. morning Gill, same thing happened to me with the half screen... my l key is not working right, either, so if I miss one from time to time pease excuse me!
  24. Good morning. Not staying, but was checking and here you 2 are!
  25. It's 11 hours early.. but BIG Birthday hugs to Kijo!!!!!
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