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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. what a way to start my day! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
  2. well girls.. am going too go sew for a bit.. Robin brought my television downstairs for me today.. I need to get this quilt finished before my trip. Have a good day.. and if I don;t see you Gill... have an awesome time Sunday!
  3. am trading as we speak.. i just can't buy those darned boxes any more
  4. i think you might get more if it was easier... but you kjniw me, I just like to complain LOL.. new MB's are out.. very cute
  5. aww Gill I feel badly about that. I just have not had the time and what little time I did have I soent on visits and the hunt... Yours are fun, even if they are difficult
  6. and I am stepping away for a few.... be back in a bit, going to walk Robin out to the car for work
  7. yeah.. even though we don't do much more than sit in the spa at night and get loaded and view stars... it's just good to be with him
  8. off to my brothers March 9.. probably will meet up with Kim, provided she is feeling better. will be there till the 17th! Then april 10 hubby and I are off to his brother's in Dallas, TX
  9. you know.. I dislike Rain even more than snow.. for being out in it.. However, you don;t have to shovel rain.. Best of all 12 more days and I'll be .............. in the desert!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite of all
  10. well thank you everyone for looking for me.. now I just need PS to load!
  11. hey BG.. Hi marlies .. Hi Boogie..... anyone got a princess toaster I could borrow for a sec? or at least put it out in youe house so I can grab a pic?
  12. Frannie's Entries - Day 4 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 13 [img][/img]
  13. well girls... i think it's time for me to go back to bed. This is going to be such a treat! see you later
  14. do the dogs/cats die if you place them in the chest?
  15. rant Between the fairies,flying saucers, ghosts, Hideeni, dogs,cats,tigers and coyotes, and a million little icons, it is far too crowded on these little screen areas to do visits and see the other pets' homes /rant
  16. Hey there Boogie! Good Morning Partner...
  17. ooo meltdown does not sound good. I'm fine thanks, and I hope you are as well! How exciting Prague sounds!
  18. ahh there you are BON VOYAGE!!!!! we were afraid we missed you!
  19. I spoke with Kim on the phone the other day.. she is way sick.. had pneumonia, then bronchitis and now is afraid she's going back into the pneumonia
  20. I didn't see her and did not get a chance to wish her bon voyage
  21. though I did let the owner know if she needs me before the end of tax season (April 15) to call... but she has to find me first! Have two trips scheduled between now and then
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