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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. yeah. a shame... guess it earned it's name killer whale and yes Gill, work is over until school again next Oct and work in January
  2. I'm good thanks and I hope you are happy and well I am done working.. woooo hooooo
  3. back in a few.. coffee is ready and I have no reason not to drink it!
  4. I was back reading about the two hotels fighting over you. Bet you were terrified for a bit, thinking one was mad at you
  5. Karma Karma Karma Chameleon though I know the real title is Karma Chameleon Good morning Gill!
  6. oooooo.. see that dawn? we are a double team!
  7. OK girls... I have to skedaddle (God I AM old!) and get ready. Thanks for the coyote pic Bogie Thanks for letting me use it Kijo Thanks BG for being a good girl at school - tomorrow I go to the PO!
  8. thanks Boogie... but that pic won't do.. had to have one in a room... Or will it work, Kijo? Boogie.. we were getting bonus points in the scavenger hunt for certain items.. You really should play!
  9. Today is my last day.. and I have decided that my hair will pass... so no shower, just a w-wash at he sink will be enough!
  10. ooo oooo Boogers.. quick... can ya send me that pic!!!!
  11. tsk.. Boogers should have sent them to me so I could send them to you and get points!!!! omg I can't believe I typed that. I AM obsessed!!
  12. nothing really. If you recall. I am the 2 morning girl! Normally I would have stayed awake to greet you girls.. but I knew I had to get some sleep for today.
  13. not but a minute today.... as I slept all the way until the alarm (I was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night!) Starting tomorrow I will have all kinds of time to chat etc. wanted youu to know I had not abandoned you all
  14. Frannie's Entries - Day 3 1 2 3 4 6 9 16 17 [img][/img] brackets here only for my ease in posting [img][/img] [img][/img] BONUS ENTRIES
  15. sorry Army.. am back already. and going to head back to bed and catch a couple more hours before my real morning. Are you enjoying all the festivities in your town Army? My nephews are having a ball.. or at least they were. My nephew has his own hockey injury right now. Just saw his FB page and he says his one leg is twice the size of the other
  16. or get the forms and I'll talk you through them online here
  17. back in a few.. need another smoke
  18. yes the prices are high. we charge $85 just for federal, with 1 w-2 and no deducts.. and no EIC. Then of course we add on state and city preps.. usually goes about $150 by the time they are done.
  19. As far as travel... going to AZ March 9th-March 17th. Will be staying with my bro and hia wife. we always have an awesome time.. just relaxing. Lots of spa time staring up at stars and a few bottles of tequila over the course of the week. Then April 10 Mark and I headed to Dallas to visit his mother and brother/family. They moved thewre in Septemeber and we have yet to visit. and then end of April three of my cousins and I are making the trip to Mississippi to visit any of my grandmother's family who is still living there. we all spent every summer there as kids, so we need to reconnect with our family
  20. wonder why the sizes are so different?
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