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Ree Von Gree

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Posts posted by Ree Von Gree

  1. I see no one has been in here in a few days. I myself have just stumbled upon it. I have read every post. A lot of us just want the ability to travel and enjoy our lives and world. I would love to go and see where my family comes from, Ireland. If my husband manages to get stationed in Germany I am SO there.

    Second, it's not really a wish because I know it will happen in 8+ months, but I want us to live in our own place.

    Third, is to finish my college education and carry my 4.0 avg to the end.

    Love and miss you all.

  2. Toulouse wrote:

    my regular dentist didn't want to do it, because of the jaw problems I've been having in the past (and still have a bit) and because of my RA, something to do with the anesthesia
    It's going to take 30 mins to remove 2 of them (that's what he said though, I'm thinking it could be longer than that) and have to go back twice (once during my study period, just before exams)

    I hope is goes fast for you. They put me to sleep to get mine out. :hugs:

  3. piglet44 wrote:

    hello wish. i still have the laptop shh dont tell neighbors

    well i finally had it with kid&his music.
    he was sitting here with those stupid little headphones just hanging out of his ears and music going Mad so i said "hey i dont wanna hear your music"

    I liked my idea Smile

  4. Wish that 10 has just dropped of after hubby got his military contract. I can stop wondering what we are going to do now. He was so happy for me about that and my GPA that he got us a membership to the gym.

    One more pound is one less you have to carry around. Congrats!

  5. Yeah it's like honor roll I had all A's so I got a 4.0 GPA. Hubby and I are great! He is acting like the man I have been married to for the last few years again, not like a momma's boy. The parents still hate me but are letting me live here while I finish school.

  6. Zoonie wrote:
    Hi Rina Smile xxx

    Go Piglet, get a replacement or refund!

    I'm going to sign off as the storm's getting really close now, dark, pouring with rain and the lightening is getting bad too.

    Sorry to leave when you just got here Rina Sad

    Be safe love. Come back if it passes soon.
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