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Ree Von Gree

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Everything posted by Ree Von Gree

  1. that is so cool. I Really would love to get over that way this summer.
  2. No way you are going back to Savannah?
  3. Bogie honey I hope everything is ok soon.
  4. see you later thanks for the chat
  5. wish you luck on your exams
  6. down time is great, I have 3 weeks off from school starting today.
  7. That is me normally, hubby got me a gym membership yesterday and I was up and there by 6am! :dance4:
  8. I am wonderful how are you.
  9. Hello all, it's been a while since I have been around to chat. School ended for the quarter today so here I am. Happy St Patrick's day!!!
  10. Finals are a really bad word for me right now. We have hands on lab work for finals and I sprained my wrist Thursday!! Good luck for you No I have 10 of them
  11. I am waiting on cake that my lil sis in law is making
  12. Gunna call it a night myself. I will be back in a few hours. *muah* to you all
  13. bye honey have a good day at work. Thanks for the chat
  14. I have to go back up to 75 then down that side LOL
  15. Nope I live an hour above Columbus. That is about 3 hours from Savannah
  16. I live about as far from Roam as I do from Savannah
  17. I am in GA close to the AL line.
  18. I think I will have time off in June and then again in Sept
  19. I may have a friend from high school moving to Savannah so I would make a trip there. We could plan and both go see her at the same time.
  20. Hi Mindyjoy have a good dinner!! Silly both of you and no pics oh well. I am trying to figure out where I want to run off to this summer during break.
  21. That is SO cool!!! When, how long did you stay, any pics?
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