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The Diva

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Everything posted by The Diva

  1. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! Are they coming later on? I'm fine hon, thank you! we were all going to travel to one sisters house but even sme of the buses have been cancelled because the roads are so bad, we probably wont see each other now until early next week but the kids wont mind because it means they get pressies again in a few days. Am gonna go wrap some pressies now while watching Harry Potter with Grace. See you all soon xxxx
  2. hello diva long time no see you - hope you doing well hunnie hiya bee, i am good thanks, how about you??
  3. DIVA!! How are you?! It feels like it's been ages! Have fun i am very well thank you. Was hoping to go see my sisters and their children today to swap xmas presents but unfortunately the weather has prevented us but am gonna stay indoors and wrap pressies with lil diva instead. How are things with you??
  4. So glad i made it over but the format seems so different that its gonna take me a while to find my feet but glad to be back in touch with you all
  5. [b]Hello everyone i finally made it here, this is gonna take some getting used to
  6. hiya i am new here and not really sure what i am doing lol. Am a long standing member of C&G from the PS forum
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