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Everything posted by Tcarnagie

  1. already done 12*999 please check ^^ I'm not sure that i sent over 12*999 or not but I got 3 window already thank Got them all. Thanks and rep added.
  2. already done 12*999 please check ^^ I'm not sure that i sent over 12*999 or not but I got 3 window already thank Got 11 so far.
  3. I don't have any more Butterfly Wind Chimes at this moment. I will let you know if I get another one.
  4. Getting on now...let me see if I have any more for sale first.
  5. 1 for 4*999 how many do u have it? I want it a lot and what is your rate 4999? I have 3 right now at 4*999 or 2*4999 +2*999 ok, agree with this price, Can I sent 12*999 or not? if you ok, I will add you That is fine...just make sure you tell me what items you are trading for so I know its yours. Thanks again!! I will add you now please accept my request i'm not sure what 999 item to sent it i will check after you answer me. I don't need to know what you are sending me....just on one of the items that you send put Paris View Window on the message just so I make sure I give you the right item. I will be on him in just a minute and will accept f/r. Thanks
  6. Don't know about that item...haven't looked it up but make an offer. Yes I have about 5 of them right now. I will also trade for other items too.
  7. Thanks Esperia. As soon as I hear something I will let you know. I will be on and off all day today.
  8. I have 3 OMG Paintings for 5*4999 each
  9. Also wanted to say that what will be coming will be in a pink bag and won't be able to be opened until the 14th.
  10. I will...that is the only way I would do this trade.
  11. 1 for 4*999 how many do u have it? I want it a lot and what is your rate 4999? I have 3 right now at 4*999 or 2*4999 +2*999 ok, agree with this price, Can I sent 12*999 or not? if you ok, I will add you That is fine...just make sure you tell me what items you are trading for so I know its yours. Thanks again!!
  12. Thanks...got it all and love it!! Rep added
  13. Just sent you the items. Thanks again!!!
  14. 7x999s for both hun you can have them all for 8x999s hun Sent F/R accepted 7x999s hun x Going to go there now and send it to you. Thanks again!!
  15. I have plenty of the anteaters but only 1 of the kitten now. Still have 10 more pets to collect for tonight so I may have more. How many do you want of each?
  16. Are these the ones from the lottery wheel?? If so, I have them just make me an offer.
  17. All items sent and received. Thanks for the fast trade. Rep added.
  18. The 2*4999 + 2*999 is fine. I was needing 4999's anyway. I will be on him in just a minute. Let me know if you find something else that you want also. I will work with you on the price. Thanks Tammie
  19. Thanks for the trade and I have sent you the items. Rep Added.
  20. I have 3 Belem Tower View Windows and 7 carnival decorations right now. May have more but that is what I see so far. I have 12 different pets so there is always stuff stashed at their houses too. LOL Prices today on playfish was 3*4999 for carnival decoration each and I was selling Belem tower for 4*999....so make me an offer. LOL
  21. you can have them all for 8x999s hun Sent F/R
  22. Sure great, f/r sent. Item sent and received. Thanks!!! Rep added.
  23. Sure great, f/r sent. Just accepted your friend request.
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