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Everything posted by Tcarnagie

  1. Hi and Welcome, I too found this site looking for the latest items to be out and have been here weekly since just so I can stay on top of the latest items. Now I am looking forward to learning how to trade what I have extra of and buy what I don't have. Lots of new things to learn.
  2. Hi and Welcome, I am new here also but it does seem like a wonderful place.
  3. My name is Tammie and I am new here. My pet's name is Casper and now he has a pink little petling named Gideon. It is nice to find a place that is very friendly and with all the latest info on it.
  4. Are you still looking for the OMG Painting? I have 3 of them.
  5. I love all the new stuff. Now I have to save up so I can get it when it comes out. I hope there is more in the shops and less in the cash shop this time.
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