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Everything posted by Ames

  1. Payment sent.. leaving rep... thank you Yvette
  2. Errrrrrrrrrrm............... what about 6 3333's for the 2? Or did you want more?
  3. 2x amelin white chairs - are they the ones with blue cushions? If so how much would you like for them both my lady?
  4. Gifting day will be a riot!!! I can't wait for next friday! LOL
  5. I had 96 pages.... sold some stuff..... got gift bombed by someone who had left PS and now this
  6. Fash... i told Tweet to pass it on to you if she didn't like it so don't panic
  7. Lets hope you enjoy it more than me and tweet did!!!!
  8. You know when your chest is as full as mine.. its good to give it away!!!!
  9. Why do you think i love gifting so much... i can remember having about 5 rares left.. i sold them for jukes and gave all the jukes away I'm not really very smart lol
  10. Now we look forward to them being OVER!
  11. you will be wanting a wig or 2? LOL Mookie never used to have money. But i started doing ruthless trading... selling cheap but lots so i made a hell of a lot of money that way. I have had some seriously generous friends too that have helped out with bubbles and beds in the past. Its taken me 18 months to be well off x wow!!!!!!!!! you are generous and kind!!!! for joining us!!!! I am glad that you all welcomed me
  12. I'm going to do a giveaway on Monday... for a complete set of ALL the new items!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!
  13. You will get some... it all goes on gifts Mookie saved a LOT of money this week.. she didn't buy anything other than a black bathroom and 99 HC plushies lol
  14. I can't do it! You'll have a heart attack... let's just say...Mookie has JUST hit the millionaires club!
  15. Would you like to see Mookies Laz? I have never shown anyone.. and i must point out Mookie has never used a cheat so her coins are not through one lol. Its from saving, gifts from friends and trades....
  16. Hmm... MUCH healthier than that. Selling bubble chairs and my random rubbish over the past few months has boosted Mookie sky high!
  17. If you could see Mookie's coin balance right now you would probably pass out!
  18. Ok... so its Sunday night yes?
  19. So it's monday NOW right?
  20. I just sent mine to tweet... it is actually quite scary on...
  21. I'm not Japanese but heck... i want to be!
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