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Posts posted by IntoxicatedFrog

  1. Luckily, a vet comes around and sees the strugling of the poor creature so he saves it and gives it bigger mandibles and mouth with plastic surgery.

    This gives the ant the courage to attack and kill everything in sight, but it soon becomes fat and sick of all the consumed but only half-digested crocodile and elephant.

  2. Riuna wrote:
    IntoxicatedFrog wrote:
    What a sexy profile view, Riuna.

    Pokemon is even more awesome than Chuck Norris. Laughing
    Wish there would be more stuff in Hungary though, I want a Politoed plush.

    you mean that? Laughing if you do, aw shucks merci <3

    and aww. i don't have pokemon plush toys but yeah... and yes indeed PKM rocks my socks Laughing i'm always stalking the pokemon give-away events at TRU and Gamestop.


    True poke fan. Laughing

    And yes, your posted picture does look nice. Smile

  3. I'm not celebrating it as the price for eggs, paint and general easter stuff gone up in the last years, so my family tries to buy a few things for my two younger sister, paint eggs with them and as I'm too old for this anyway I just don't need any of it. Instead I'm trying to save up for a terrarium to keep a few Bombina Orientalis (Oriental Fire Bellied Toad) in it. And of course my empty aquarium will be soon filled again with African Dwarf Frogs. I love frogs.

    But for those who do celebrate it: Happy Easter folks! May Jeshue Cottontail, the heavenly easter rabbit grant you tons of sweets. congratulations

    I have had to remove you link as it has not been authorised by an admin.
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    Falcor forum moderator

  4. lea75 wrote:
    I have removed your avatar...do not use profanities around the group or you face being banned from PSFC

    Please make sure you read our forum rules which can be found at the top of every board

    Actually, I had read it before posting but tought that such commonly used word won't cause any problem as it's an essence of a lot of jokes nowdays. Who haven't heard it yet, regardless of age, must have grown up in a giant bubble.

  5. This season's new thread presents: The Newbie

    Szabina, a soon to be 18 years old girl with the personality traits of a frog. Calm and unmoved by the world, this asocial being closely resembles the above mentioned amphibian. But can this fat-@$$, lazy, alcoholic invidiual face the challenges of PSFC forum? Will the power of intellect save her from awakening enemies, such as the hideous forum troll or the lol-faced beast?

    Follow her amazing, though ridicolus, adventures through the looking cafe glass as she explores new areas with her faithful sidekick, the lime green Friedrich, named after her favourite philosopher. Encountering allies, foes and maybe even traitors on her way! Will the journey become succesful by finding the bountiful treasure chest of wisdom and friendship?

    Coming out soon, don't miss it!

    Disclaimer: Anyone with a common sense or an IQ higher than 40, should avoid reading this. If you DID read it already please see a doctor for treatment to avoid further brain cell death.
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