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About dreamer_adrian

  • Birthday 11/28/1983
  1. Tak laku nak jual, banyak yang tak minat, yang minat x minat bayar.....
  2. It has been a while for me to upload my new garage photo.. enjoy!
  3. Finally got time to update my garage, Here it go
  4. Got , Desmond will provide fresh from toilet!!!
  5. Member from HWCM, specially from JB. I will holding a gathering at my house next week July 14. Purpose is to sell some of my collection. Please bring your own boxes and write down ur name, and take the cars u want, of course payment can be later. *please not to bring our own collection, to prevent confusing* For member from other state, of course u can ask JB member to take car for u, or u can pm me wa u need. Please be generous to offer me for the precious item...
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