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About YU5H

  • Birthday 08/13/1977
  1. ehemmmm nice torpedo...
  2. dh ade super ni.. bg aku je laa yg aku dpt tu
  3. uihhhhhh i never know got black hood even the tampo a bit different
  4. feh...pricey...my sema does not have raba...
  5. bila nak share ext tu,..
  6. YU5H

    Rare Hotwheels for sale

    hauler tu... berebut suatu masa dulu
  7. nice PIC... i wonder how the driver kept the 4wheeler body clean
  8. YU5H

    RG's fav haul..

    sy berminat ngan 2-2 DD la..
  9. dem... SC MBX Civic 1 je..
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