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Posts posted by mushr00m

  1. jay wrote:
    kalau income untuk mini gath 1.3k...perghhhh...next gath, mushroom kena bawak mesin kad kredit ler senang nak leret...hehehehheheh

    Mini gathering sebulan sekali bole la dapat amount tu.. kalo buat selalu nanti ramai lak benci.. hehehehe

  2. Rayz-HWC wrote:
    Wow clap any items left-overs to offer other members who not priviledge enough to be invited for last nights sale gathering ohmy ...or of course a simple NO will stop the annoyance from other interested parties...

    None actually.. all gone to the existing members and also some newbies who came and joined..
    Total sales - RM1.3k.. hehehhehe..
    Thanks to all that attend the mini gathering...
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