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Posts posted by mushr00m

  1. chee keng hong wrote:
    how bout the "julai, 09 " Dataran Merdeka gatehring?? Anyone intend to go there?? laugh1

    that gathering are for people with really nothing to do.. followers and complainers..

    The Putrajaya peeps I think doesn't respond to politics..
    Collectors unite for a passion, not for politics..

  2. aisey... when the price hiked to RM6.90, so many complains but still some collectors buying like nobody businesses..

    Some places increase till RM7.99 like in Giant and Cold Storage, you can still see the playas buying like there is no tomorrow..

    Complain as you want, you see the things you like and you will still buy..
    and then complain again, but still buying..

    Try to be firm with what you want, be a man..
    Stop complaining..
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