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HOT WHEELS at RM7.50 per card, logic?

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Please bear with me, and I know it's long... But I really had say this...

The inevitable has happened. In some places in Malaysia, the price of a Hot Wheels card
is being priced at RM7.50 per card. That is an incredible hike of 60 cent from RM6.90.
Where in the USA, the rise from 99cent to usd$1 was such a huge fuss from USA Hot Wheels collectors,
imagine how would they feel if the hike is over 60 cents.


I know for fact that Mattel Worldwide is not doing good in financially.
Mattel is in trouble. The giant toy company Mattel is going through one of its worst crises.
Year after year the company has been having poor numbers performance. Reasons for poor performance are not lacking: the high price of metal and oil (raw material of plastic), high freight and a great pressure for better working conditions of employees in Asia (and consequent increase in labor costs).
But the most painful blow on American consumers was no doubt the price increase across the board. Since its inception in 1968, Hot Wheels is proud to keep the price below the baseline of $ 1, prem this year that barrier was broken, and now the models are found in stores for $ 1.09 to $ 1.11. You may find that the increase was just and that there was not much commercial impact, but this increase of 10% had an immediate effect in the stores, and now the rapidly emptying shelves that are always crowded with products, with tenants taking more and more to put new models on sale. Who first bought 10 cars, nine now purchase the same price, and we're talking about a public living one of the worst recessions the U.S. has ever passed.

Perhaps because of the big huge fuss created in US is even greater, it's lesser painful for Mattel to increased the international market.
It's easier. Hence, here we are going at RM7.50.

Have your say. Say what you feel.
To think of it, I save more money on not buying toys. The obvious right?
I don't have to go crazy spending silly money on petrol and toll for chasing new cases at 7E?
With RM7.50 saved everyday I can cut my car petrol usage by half.
Now why didn't Mattel think of that?

My Cars For Sell!

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Already anticipated such price increase since last year. Too many factors already indicate a lot of stuff price increase. Food, house, car maintenance, blah blah. And already lazy to bitch about the price, the waves, the scalpers, crazy company policies, government imposed laws, blah blah. Really getting tired of complaining. I would gladly say, these factors drove me off the cliff, push me off the wall..., whatever. I'm still on Matchbox though. Even then, i'm sure eventually i would stop them.

Inevitable. Last year since November when 2011 wave hit, already have to decide stop or go in collecting. Decide to stop 90%. Since completing what i want in 2010 list just this last month. No more go. Nada. I still do buy few loose cars. But not what i used to collect and take more than 10 carded cars in a month. 20 or more if you count the other brands. Serious money then.

Mattel is in the business of making money just like any other company. If eventually they cannot even reach 1% of sales target, they can just pull HW in Malaysia market and put it in another country. We can rant and rant all we want. There will never be a face to tell us why. Not like how there is a face in TV telling us chicken, chili, eggs and rice price increase.

Anyway our right on voicing price concerns only valid in necessity. We have kementrian to regulate that. The right to voice out on toys covers up till safety and quality. Not price.

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undercoverbrother wrote:
Mattel. Do the right thing. Don't playa-hate.

If i were a multi million dollar company..........


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Things like this will make senior collectors decided to stop collecting because i believe that some of them will be to make a split decision: life commitment or hobby. About new collectors' side, they will think that why do they have to waste their money for a 3 inch toy car as the money can be used for something else that more important. lets do a simple mathematics then to prove my point.

On average, a collector will buy 10 hw carded per month.

1 hw carded= rm7.50

1 month: 10 carded x rm7.50= rm75

12 months x rm75= rm900!

Rm900 per year may not sound much to some of us but to others, its a lot of money considering the economy at this time where all stuffs are damn expensive.

My opinion might not be heard by them but Mattel should be considerate to all young and old collectors that have been buying their product for all this years before doing a drastic decision like this. I'm not surprised if 30% of Malaysian collector will start to sell their own collection and stop collecting for good..

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The cycle is complete. Everyone been hitting badly by
current economic situation..thanks for no more diesel subsidy, gas and electricity hike. Just pull back a bit and be smarter.
Get JCard so you get 15% offer or if you good you get a free car plus 15% discount during the sale.
Many us now just mind the basic card what. cool

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musclemania wrote:
Say NO to the carded, say YES to the loose Twisted Evil

me likey this a lot... ahhahahahaha

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mushr00m wrote:

me likey this a lot... ahhahahahaha

I'm waiting for Mr.Hot Rod to support this too, hahaha.

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Rm 7.50 ++ is OVERPRICE!! do they think on who is their target consumer?

Lower price = More purchase = GOOD = High Reputation
Higher price = Less purchase = NO NO NO..

which marketing strategy does MATTEL use? i think the 2nd..

to tell my story, since the price reach Rm 6.00 ++, i have cut half of collecting on Hot Wheels.

so now, i saying NO NO NO!!!

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Shall HWCM have a memorandum / vote to present to Mattel Malaysia? Twisted Evil
Basically, vote is not necessary, hahaha. >99% will disagree for that, hahaha.

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musclemania wrote:

I'm waiting for Mr.Hot Rod to support this too, hahaha.

+1.... What a Face ... bye bye hotwheels...

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No way. They will finger point it's someone else fault.
Sometimes I feel so stupid for supporting Hot Wheels, they milked me and want more.

It's not even a case of, "don't like, don't buy lor" Now it's like "want to buy but cannot afford already"

Hot Wheels toy cars has become a silver spoon brat.

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well it was fun while it lasted... i may not be able to stop entirely but sures hell can cut down on my purchases .... sadsadsad

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Atom.. im with u always.. as im slowing down already..... So will do the auction soonnnnn......

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RM7.50??! Hope Mattel stick this price to the Garage Series Or Speed Machines BUT not the mainline! Then only it worth the pay!!
Rolling Eyes

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Atomkinder wrote:

It's even cheaper buying from online.

i was thinking the same thing... buy online cheeper...

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Since more than 6 months Giant and Cold Storage selling basic at RM7.99 and doing well, I guess whistling

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Price affected by forex rate and taxes?

If the price is too high, just wait for promos or offers before buying.

Or as Atom advised, just shop online.

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i've been buying at RM7.50 for 1 year plus now. lol..

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we all just dun buy now... when they have too much stock everywhere, they will promo or discount. then we start to sapu! Very Happy

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agree with titaniumboss. we all shall "puasa", then later kita sapu semua bila dah discount! haha. too bad sandakan only got two place that sell HW. Sad

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I still remember buying Hotwheels from Giant back in 2005 for RM2.99, so cheap man.....! new cars some more back then...!

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Better concentrate on collecting bar code/receipt to redempt Milo van now, wakakaka.
Or, buy more Milo for that, hahaha.

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Pagi minum milo, lunch minum milo, night drink milo then only can buy 2kilo bag of Milo to get one more small milo van.

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pikir yang terbaik untuk hidup...

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everyone mention NOT & DONT buy! But how when u see the $uper/reg t-hunt hanging helpless on the peg?? browslaugh1

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aisey... when the price hiked to RM6.90, so many complains but still some collectors buying like nobody businesses..

Some places increase till RM7.99 like in Giant and Cold Storage, you can still see the playas buying like there is no tomorrow..

Complain as you want, you see the things you like and you will still buy..
and then complain again, but still buying..

Try to be firm with what you want, be a man..
Stop complaining..

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As HW basic now at RM 7.50 we should agree upon now no matter what you basic HW car are your basic HW collections should been valued at RM 8.00 per card with no price haggling should take place and that is a win-win situations.
Less power to buy but more money can be cashing in for our collections.

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Fuel prices went up over the years - yet it didn't STOP you from driving and make use of public transport? scratch how'd you manage?

If you wanna compare which more important - then stop buying toys. Period.

So cost of toilet paper one day goes up - watcha gonna do?

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eh, we got water what to washh??? whtla.. if water kena potong use daunlahhh...

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musclemania wrote:
Say NO to the carded, say YES to the loose Twisted Evil

buying loose cars on sunday is like crossing federal highway without using the pedestrian bridge

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with atom 100% on this.

i suggest we start collect stamps. its a much more relaxing hobby.


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zoomckng wrote:
with atom 100% on this.

i suggest we start collect stamps. its a much more relaxing hobby.


Kalau ada hijau kat tepi i collect.

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wildspirit wrote:
Yes Online shopping is a word.

Actually 2 words. Razz

Have you clicked your mouse today? Razz

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i'd clicked mine today, RazzRazz
btw gotta slow down for now, and buy only when got sale.. Very Happy
and its time for da 'Bay, SmileSmile

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Rayz-HWC wrote:
Fuel prices went up over the years - yet it didn't STOP you from driving and make use of public transport? scratch how'd you manage?

If you wanna compare which more important - then stop buying toys. Period.
So cost of toilet paper one day goes up - watcha gonna do?

It stopped me from driving for two years. I used public transport which was cheaper.
I swear to you I did.
Come on man, have you even been in a LRT lately?
There's SO many people taking public transport BECAUSE of fuel hike.

And I had already stopped collecting Hot Toys, McFarlane...etc because it is too expensive.
Hot Wheels is the last toy collection for me. And even then I stopped collecting from 2006 - 2008.
You, Ibrahim & sinclair should know because I stopped coming to McD remember?

I've done all this before and surely can do it again.
If toilet paper goes up, then don't shiet lor.

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Hokey, I was asked by hwcm snr.member to delete some words.

So much for helping to promote hwcm forum with my videos to begin with...

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zoomckng wrote:
with atom 100% on this.

i suggest we start collect stamps. its a much more relaxing hobby.


Stamps relaxing???? No serious? hahahah! I collected stamps before. Still have a them. I think its an even worse hobby than HW cars. Many many more variations, imitations, first day covers blah blah. I find it no different than collecting money. At least with money there is a limit on how much it can be minted. But stamps are too many. Waaayyyy too many. I quit stamps just after 2 years. It accumulates too fast!

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Atomkinder and 'snr member', as well as whoever was offended by fellow members before.. being in this position i have to be very careful in giving my opinions regarding this, plus as with my many past experiences commenting on members issues openly could potentially make things worse. All i can say is no matter who you guys are we really appreciate you a true collectors who did so much to this club especially Atom, and i really don't want things like this deters you from further contributing more stuff to this forum.

Let's put it this way, since you guys are seeing each other every week anyway, do take best opportunity to sort things and compromise. So everything's cool as usual.

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