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About undercoverbrother

  • Birthday 12/03/1984
  1. Yes you're more than welcomed to join, club in fact have allocated 30 seats for Indonesian collectors. You may browse through hwcm page on facebook and look for Shakz Faizal to get further details. http://www.facebook.com/groups/hwcmalaysia/
  2. I actually saw this coming even during 7e hunting days. Outlets get 1 case during a promo, hardly could sell decent amount due to most of 7e outlets own 'policy' only to hang few pieces on pegs if sold then only top up few more bit by bit (common explanation is banyak budak curi).. Then the next promo another case, or maybe half case, then another promo, more case came in. If you're fortunate enough in certain outlets where the staff agrees bring out whole stock from storeroom, you'll be surprised how MASSIVE amount of cars left from previous promos. I know eventually 7e will definitely say enough is enough. I'm still wondering how Mattel managed to convince 7e to take those cases all these years. Even Batman 2-pack that cost like rm24.90 came there, remember?
  3. 1st hotwheels from childhood days no idea.. 1st hotwheels got me back to collecting.. 2006 Dairy Delivery TH.
  4. The best ever hw counterfeit i ever saw was during 7e huntin' days.. at 7e itself, you know those 2 ringgit Tora and Ding Dang kind of toys you never know what's inside until you unbox it, this one features exact hotwheels logo and cars pics (i forgot which casting) on the box cover..
  5. Couldn't make it to AOS too.. was very sick. Props to those who make it happen..
  6. The question is what kind of TH ur looking for. If Super / Superized that's definitely not possible, reg hunts if its the common ones you don't even need to prepare that amount members regularly bring to friday gaths and let go retail price. The highly wanted ones (skyline, enzo etc) however it be harder to get cause most would prefer to keep for trade.
  7. Burger mana area shah alam yang best?
  8. Hi, register a free account in any photohosting site (photobucket, etc) once you uploaded your pic there just post the link here. You should see 'image' icon above the textbox when you post a reply where you can copy paste the image link there.
  9. I pun nak buat race jugak lah.. Castings i have in mind '09 Tail Dragger = demonicle '07 T-Hunt DD = hassan
  10. Playaz... I would like to apologize cause initially i thought this stolen thing was an isolated case. I cuba bersangka baik by assuming it could have been cars tercicir or members who took but forgotten to pay to seller, basically what i suggested to some people who asked about it. I didn't expect it was this serious involving not one but many members, again sorry as i was in the dark over this. Just for your info this cool looking car you guys saw on the display is done by hwcm member, close friend of mine tunnelrat. And it is not simply a custom this car was in fact the piece he did to propose to our friend peggyspy. YES, pay closer look inside this custom, lift the body there was ACTUAL diamond ring inside! Demonicle and i were aware of this, and that's how much we trusted every of our fellow hwcm playaz to let this precious item be displayed with minimum security for sake of sharing this beautiful story with you guys. And i am glad we did the right thing by not revealing to everyone what the custom's all about, especially after learning what happened during the dinner.
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