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Posts posted by mushr00m

  1. sinclair wrote:

    One for me too pls. god

    Currently don't have anymore of them.. Will pass you mine instead since I don't collect them much.. Just ike taking pictures of them.. Smile

    Fadli85 wrote:
    Hi, got my Batmobile from Mushroom....!

    What I like most about this swap is that the rubber wheels fit just nicely in the arches, no scraping whatsoever, baru la best loose camni, main tolak2, hehehehehe.....!

    Thank You Mr. Mushroom, tokan wheel swap, hehe..!

    Glad you like them bro..

  2. darthvader wrote:
    naise gak tu boleh minta sikit ye dak? aku ingat nak bwat bbq loose la...kena lak rubbber,phew bau dia menggoda!

    Minggu depan ada barang sampai skit dari oversea.. korang plak baru dapat gaji.. bole ler buat pot luck too...
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