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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. protonticon wrote:
    wah.. milo malaysia efficiently, STILL sending all of d vans to all of their angry 1Malaysia customers 'til now and continuously.. couldn't imagine it must've been, definitely a LONG liiiissssstt.. affraid

    For future reference, if they could arrange at such way where on the spot redemption is only applicable upon every purchase at the particular outlet with limited free unit per outlet and within specific redemption period.
    Anyhow, I believe my remaining units will arrive soon, hurayyyy.

  2. Thanks, guys.

    Chah: I hope I can tapao Klang Twisted Evil
    If it really happened, you will see that I'm showing superized and hunt as well as other "hot" cars Razz
    Lagipun otai otai yang bagi tips for restock, I also took the leftover, wakakaka. Leftover after 1.5days restocked, imagine...hahaha.

    Anyhow, today lunch haul at JJ


  3. zoomckng wrote:
    its been a long year la. its good new year is here.

    new hw waves also has arrived. good sign for year of da dragons!

    Agreed but watch out ... forecast is, bad year for global economy next year. Keep more $$$ instead unless your HW collection can turn into gold and buy you a meal Razz

  4. matchboxclub wrote:
    musclemania wrote:
    CKH: Haul when the discount is still available, hehehe. Need to haul smartly, hahaha.
    MBXClub: Try harder or pay more, hahaha. Ebay is selling at RM20, hehehe. Tomica Subaru you still do not get?

    wakaka, i mange to find someone to trade wif the civiv.. sabaru manage to find liao.. Very Happy

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