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Posts posted by darthvader

  1. flip wrote:
    darthvader wrote:
    abam mushroom! pm saya harga kerna seperti beta mahu juga!hahahaha

    cis..... bkn aku dah bgtau ke td.... buat rugi jer aku sms....

    (saje nak kantoikan... kikiki...)

    mana taw ko kan suka makap! haahhahaa

    (kantoikan balik! dah2 ni thread org sila kasi clean ye.)

  2. RGSUKAN wrote:
    darthvader wrote:
    woi flip jom pg giant equine malam ni..

    tryla ushar sana bro....ayat sikit staff kat sana...banyak menarik kat sana...huuhu

    owh ye ke..hehehehhe will try..tq incik..
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