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Everything posted by Zedd_68

  1. ZEDD's DIECAST FORECOURT Re-Opens! Thank you for browsin'...enjoy!
  2. OP Updated..with overview pics. Sorry about that Adiz...tak pandai sangat photography ni
  3. Boulevard en Garage re-opens. Thank you for browsin', and for future assist. As OP stated, please PM should you have (extra?) of what I am focusing on. Enjoy!
  4. Pics will follow once I am not like a zombie Today's haul: - malibu t hunt - dune daddy blvd - mbx pierce dash w/black top - mbx pierce dash w/black top rear and front (not seen before) - mbx mini convertible blue - mbx jaguar xks gray silver - tomica racing hauler red - maisto chevy volt red - maisto toyota celica gt red Later folks...nap first
  5. ======================= NOTE: PM me, if interested. Thank you for the support dudes and dudettes ======================= UPDATED AS OF 2012- 9 - 23
  6. Thanks bang sahama? Gaji??? Errr...
  7. Zedd_68


    Under renovation..will re open soon
  8. Under restructuring...pn17 Will resume operation soon
  9. Under renovation...will re open...soon..
  10. Thanks for the well wishes c-jack Arrive safely at about 1am...slow slow...mata not good anymore...so many trailers leh ...there is a big mynews at pagoh rest area...and I picked another one up ...so now there are 3 variance of color shifter cobra 427
  11. Wei wei wei...work = $ leh HL...the source for the hardware Hunting trip can happen even in selangor itself...you'LL BE SURPRISE what u can find in your backyard (right bro limsy? ) Crackerjack....it is tiring bro. And this is coincidence ony Stop at pagoh now...wah, my back, my legs...need circulation, need teh tarik...
  12. Near yes, hwcars, but pport expired june 2012
  13. Aiyahh...ok ok ok Washing my face at sutera mall skudai now..nuthin from carrefour here...heading home in 20min..bye jb...mebbe next time meeting member2 here I guess (hwcars, apology bro. Dunno who I can drop the wrx sti for u to pick up...mebbe it will be on pegs in spore soon... Dui bu qi Ok, from giant skudai, only two that I like (they hv new wave here, but no z4, amazoom, manga...probably kena sapu d From giant tampoi, more interesting, but no new wave I can see; Thata all...now for the 4+ hrs of tired drivin...
  14. Jb hauls later lah ah...batt low..needs recharge in car
  15. Tkasih bng sahama...carik apa yng saya tak jumpa kat kl je...jgnlah camtu bole jumpa ke, say hello? sibuk takpe bro..me leaving around 8 kot HL...by the time I reach melaka again and then kl...ppl will be in lala land... Ok...rest awhile a tampoi giant...laparrrrr.... Pics; (forgive mod/admin...letih mau separate...wont happen too often. Tq) Seremban; Limsy...found 1.60, but buy only 2 to get receipt ony.. tesco on that hill... Melaka; Ramone (Cars) color shifter, tomica honda s2000 coonvertible, tomy 40th anniv nissan Z One more for hw hot rods 2010 (37 ford...roof logo looks familiar...), and a nice triumph fte 2010 Never see this mbx mustang, and beige 4runner A very nice Corvette and a flame version of shelby cobra 427...color shifter
  16. Hmmm...seremban hit one, melaka hit two...now jb lo...hehehe Sikit jam...nanti upload pics
  17. Aiyo...HL...only a few more days leh...then after that work and no energy lo...cant drink lo
  18. Salaam..greetings orang JB...saya tumpang memburu ye?
  19. Hahaha...done done done! Chah..layan, jgn tak layan Eh mane member2 in jb ni? No one I can meet? Woi, bukan nak buat selling la (unless u want lo )...just wanna say hi... ...it's alrite..keje kot, go down skudai kot now...leaving jb aftrr 8
  20. Aduiiih...my back!!!! Stopped at machap now for...call of nature nescafe tarik...and a bit of 'photo shoot' ....oh and of course prayer... huntin whilst Travelling long distance sure is tiring..should have been at JPO now.. Oh well..midnite lah ni baru sampai rumah, if not later. Cant update haulS...Gprs saja sini machap later
  21. Comfitm jumpa buyer jam kst premium outlet. Ada ke membr 2 hw area situ?
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