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Everything posted by ewoks

  1. hi sorry i was not able to get back to u right away, my laptop died on me.pls hold on while i reload my PS
  2. all clothes sent, yey! Pue will look very chic in her new wardrobe. pls check ur doorstep and confirm that u have received everything u ordered hun. I will leave u with a pos rep, kindly do the same for me. Thank u for another wonderful trade I have already received. I like it. i want again dear ) Eggnog 10 Scary Mask 2 pink tinkerbell wig Wonderland Rabbit - do you have? I want a lot Pumpkin Cake i want all Halloween Tree Seed i want all Tomato Juice i want all Fawkes Doll 3 Luminous Brain Jar i want all i go to sleep See you tomorrow. Hi hun, Im finally back in the game. Would u like scay mask + black robe? It goes together for the grim reaper effect if so, I can give 2 sets for discounted price of 3 x 3333 only! 4 wonderland rabbits - 12 x 3333 i have 7 brain jars @ 3x3333 each. 3 Fawkes doll - 5 x 3333 5 tomato juice + 5 egg nogs + 5 pumpkin cake = 5 x 333 5 egg nogs + 3 tomato juice = 4 x 3333 20 pumpkin cake = 6 x 3333 pls let me know if u accept, so i can add u in my new trading account hun. Thank u so much!
  3. Hi goth Queen, Im finally back in...
  4. Well, Id be going to bed now Ursula. Thanks again for your hugs and time for chat. Speak to u soon! Shop closed until my maintenance is over
  5. oh thats because PS put some players on maintenance. Those who can access the game should be able to play smoothly. there had been an official statement that it is the developers course of action to improve the performance of the game. I just wished that they didnt do the maintenance at the same time that they are to release the new limited petling
  6. Thank u so much hunni! i was just reading that several people are actually experiencing the same, and there had been user-maintenance again..wherein i am too, unfortunately. At least Im not left wondering what the eff is wrong with my account Hows your PS?
  7. Thank u for the info Lazar, I have had extreme difficulty in accessing the game, and was left with 101,000 questions why. I think the last time that PS players had as much difficulty was May 09, and several survived that hellish month. We all would too! Its quite a relief to know that several people are experiencing the same prob...now i can stop tearing my hair out! I am in fact in maintenance too right now, I just hope that the new petling would not be sold out before users in maintenance are able to log in. What a perfect time to put people on maintenance at the same time that they would release a limited item in store
  8. Thank u for your understanding and hug Ursula and Doremom. I do need some big hugs, Ursula, as I am at my wits end with PS LOL. i was able to log in for around 10 minsutes before i got kicked out I will be reserving items for you both and the others who have expressed interest in the items in the thread. I have just requested our dear Lea if i may be granted permission to have a new link for trading and give-away purposes, and she had graciously accepted my request. kindly accept my apologies again that I will have to transfer some items that had been confirmed in the thread, and shall post a new link, and send F/Rs using the new link as well. Hopefully, by tom, I'll be able to finish all pending trades and requests. i have no intention of offending anyone, but just trying to make my PS more manageable. Thanks again for the patience, and the understanding, and my apologies for all the delay
  9. To MilkZaba,Palromy, Doremom, Ursula and Goth Queen, Ive noted all your inquiries, however I cannot log in to PS at the moment again. Perhaps because it is a Monday, and the servers are busy I will answer all your posts as soon as Im in the game. My apologies everyone! Those who had confirmed their purchase will be given priority for items that are last in my inventory. Thank u for ur patience, sweeties!
  10. Shop closed for the night folks!
  11. i think Goth Queen is perfect both for urself and ur pet Wear it with pride, i'll say! 08 jack set - 5 x 3333 or 15 x 999 dark owl - 5 x 999 fly trap - 3 x 3333 or 15 x 999 2 luminous skull candle - 4 x 3333 or 12 x 9999 hallo wind chime - 2 x 3333 or 6 x 999 4 luminous goth windows - 6 x 3333 or 18 x 999 total of 71 x 999 or about 25 x 3333 or about 12.5 to 16 CC . we might get a temporary ban with all the changes that PS is doing with number of items being resold to shops and gifted as they had not released an official statement of the exact values I would like to pay with cc and for that i will pay 15 cc if that is ok with you anything that u are comfy with Sarah, its ok. I just got kicked out again as i was asking for help for the wedding cake, and about to tear my hair out. If i cannot get in tonight, may i trade with u tom hun? That is fine with me because i need to restock on money and cc and while i do that could i have a few more items added Garlic Wreath Monster Tentacle Mummy doll Trick or Treat Wall Sticker thank you Sarah, Ive noted everything for u, goth queen. but for now, i'll have to bid everyone a good night as Ive reached the limit of my patience trying to log back. speak to you tom!
  12. all clothes sent, yey! Pue will look very chic in her new wardrobe. pls check ur doorstep and confirm that u have received everything u ordered hun. I will leave u with a pos rep, kindly do the same for me. Thank u for another wonderful trade I have already received. I like it. i want again dear ) Eggnog 10 Scary Mask 2 pink tinkerbell wig Wonderland Rabbit - do you have? I want a lot Pumpkin Cake i want all Halloween Tree Seed i want all Tomato Juice i want all Fawkes Doll 3 Luminous Brain Jar i want all i go to sleep See you tomorrow. Im glad ur happy with your purchase hun. May i answer your post for the new list as soon as im able to log back in the game, pls? I may just go to bed myself, as i keep getting the mayor anyway. good night to you, and sweet dreams!
  13. fi ur welcome holly, glad to be of help yes i have 1 clock spare, would 3 x 3333 suffice? 2 taste of Asia coming up. thanks 3x3333 is great. so i should be sending 5x3333 for le food and clock right? EDIT: uhm can the clock be put on shelves? and i'm sorry if i don't send payment soon cause i didn't sleep yet so if anything expect payment in like 8 hours in case i drop dead. There's no rush Holly, i keep getting kicked out of the game and presently trying to log back in. yes for the 2 food combos plus the clock that will only be 5 x 3333, and yes the clock can be put on shelves, but not on the wall, sadly. hope that helps!
  14. i think Goth Queen is perfect both for urself and ur pet Wear it with pride, i'll say! 08 jack set - 5 x 3333 or 15 x 999 dark owl - 5 x 999 fly trap - 3 x 3333 or 15 x 999 2 luminous skull candle - 4 x 3333 or 12 x 9999 hallo wind chime - 2 x 3333 or 6 x 999 4 luminous goth windows - 6 x 3333 or 18 x 999 total of 71 x 999 or about 25 x 3333 or about 12.5 to 16 CC . we might get a temporary ban with all the changes that PS is doing with number of items being resold to shops and gifted as they had not released an official statement of the exact values I would like to pay with cc and for that i will pay 15 cc if that is ok with you anything that u are comfy with Sarah, its ok. I just got kicked out again as i was asking for help for the wedding cake, and about to tear my hair out. If i cannot get in tonight, may i trade with u tom hun?
  15. list with limits....thats a wonderful idea we can only hope that PF would be more considerate of their players I dont think they posted anything official for limits, and people are always treading on thin water these days.
  16. fi ur welcome holly, glad to be of help yes i have 1 clock spare, would 3 x 3333 suffice? 2 taste of Asia coming up. thanks
  17. hi again for princess garden and swing sets, plus cute bookcase 10 x 3333 total thank u!
  18. hi, pls find below the prices for items u requested: dracula bed - 3 x 3333 dragon flag deco - 2 x 9999 cheese hat - 2 x 3333 dracula set - 2 x 3333 hallo and love tree seeds - 2 x 3333 each pls Thanks Ok i want to buy only dracula set - 2 x 3333 . i send f/r to you ,please accept when you accept i wll send 2x3333 to you Thank you pet kohung level 32 profile mod sure hun. pls let me know if u have already sent me F/R as im not exactly sure if i was able to reset my settings to original; others seem to have probs. thanks so much
  19. hi, yes we are already neighbors sweetie. starlet white dress set is also 2 x 3333 only
  20. all clothes sent, yey! Pue will look very chic in her new wardrobe. pls check ur doorstep and confirm that u have received everything u ordered hun. I will leave u with a pos rep, kindly do the same for me. Thank u for another wonderful trade
  21. Ive received everything hun, thank u. There is a current limit or glitch with gifting, opening gifts, sending notes in game that no one is certain about, so u are not the only one having the same problem lets just hope that PS will resolve it soon, or give their players a clearer answer to the limits that one is allowed. I will start sending u ur items now hun, pls be patient as i get kicked out all the time too. thank u!
  22. hun, we just traded for the mad hatter , and sent u the pet high uniform for boys by mistake together with the girls set. for the other items, i seem to be missing some parts of set when i went on leave from trading, but below is a breakdown of what i have: 08 elf set for boys - (boots, coat, leggings, pair of mittens) - 4 x 3333 for girls - ( dress, shoes, pair of mittens) - 4 x 333 pls note that elf boots and shoes look different blue school set - 5 x 3333 08 festive set (shoes, cap, dress, pair of mittens) - 6 x 3333 09 cute festive set for boys (shoes, jacket, pair of mittens, pants) - 3 x 3333 08 santa Set - 5 x 3333 Black Mariachi set - 2 x 3333 cute witch set - 3 x 3333 and for return clients, premier set is discounted at 1 x 3333 only! Yo! fay all price 31*3333 right? yes im Fay hun. for all the items listed above, thats a total of 33 x 3333. Pls correct me if i got my math wrong. or perhaps i misunderstood u, and there are sets u would not order? My apologies, Ive been so frustrated the whole day with my connection that my head is spinning already Ok 33*3333 pls wait me for pay to you no rush dear, I'll take a short break first, as my arse i sore from editing my thread already LOL. ive so far received 3 hot springs, will check back later, thanks!
  23. i think Goth Queen is perfect both for urself and ur pet Wear it with pride, i'll say! 08 jack set - 5 x 3333 or 15 x 999 dark owl - 5 x 999 fly trap - 3 x 3333 or 15 x 999 2 luminous skull candle - 4 x 3333 or 12 x 9999 hallo wind chime - 2 x 3333 or 6 x 999 4 luminous goth windows - 6 x 3333 or 18 x 999 total of 71 x 999 or about 25 x 3333 or about 12.5 to 16 CC . we might get a temporary ban with all the changes that PS is doing with number of items being resold to shops and gifted as they had not released an official statement of the exact values
  24. Hi Sarah, I hope u got my replies in game as i kept getting kicked out the other night after we finished our previous trade. Apparently, there had been changes gain that PF did, w/o giving players prior notice I would like jack set white and dark owls antique cedar door ferocious fly trap - 3 x 3333 luminous skull candle - 2 x 3333 spooky lava lamp - 3 x 3333 hallo wind chime - 2 x 3333 each there r 2 kinds of hallo windows hun, the luminous goth window for a package of 2 windows @ 3 x 333 My payment will be in 999s and cc if thats ok with you hey Goth queen, how many white and dark owls would u need pls? and also the luminous goth window? yep, 999s and CCs are ok sweetie, if can just specify the quantity for each pls so i can give u a proper quote? thanks!
  25. hun, we just traded for the mad hatter , and sent u the pet high uniform for boys by mistake together with the girls set. for the other items, i seem to be missing some parts of set when i went on leave from trading, but below is a breakdown of what i have: 08 elf set for boys - (boots, coat, leggings, pair of mittens) - 4 x 3333 for girls - ( dress, shoes, pair of mittens) - 4 x 333 pls note that elf boots and shoes look different blue school set - 5 x 3333 08 festive set (shoes, cap, dress, pair of mittens) - 6 x 3333 09 cute festive set for boys (shoes, jacket, pair of mittens, pants) - 3 x 3333 08 santa Set - 5 x 3333 Black Mariachi set - 2 x 3333 cute witch set - 3 x 3333 and for return clients, premier set is discounted at 1 x 3333 only! Yo! fay all price 31*3333 right? yes im Fay hun. for all the items listed above, thats a total of 33 x 3333. Pls correct me if i got my math wrong. or perhaps i misunderstood u, and there are sets u would not order? My apologies, Ive been so frustrated the whole day with my connection that my head is spinning already
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