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Everything posted by ewoks

  1. is it a piece of clothing? or decor/ i went on hiatus for so long, i couldnt even remember the names of these items its a furniture. looks like this: if you have it i'd love to buy it. I'll send it to u as a "i love ur avi" gift. edit- sent! hope it helps in ur royal theme
  2. is it a piece of clothing? or decor/ i went on hiatus for so long, i couldnt even remember the names of these items
  3. for a return client, 5 x 999 will do hun
  4. hun, i think the numbers vary...just a few days ago, im able to resell bet 30-60k w/o any probs. PF never gave us any exact amount of the earning or resale limit per day. They probably made some stricter rule again, w/o giving due notice to players It also seems that even sending numerous messages in-game or excessive digging can get u a temporary ban.Seriously, is PS still a social game then when neighbors cant even chit chat as much as they want to?
  5. hi, sorry for missing ur post. my connection today is so bad! anyhow for the items u listed, the prices are as follows: beefeater - last 2 sets, will take best offer black mariachi set - 2 x 3333 cupid set for boys (wings, sandals, halo, bow and arrow, tunic) - 3 x 3333 for girls ( the same as above, but with girly tunic) - 3x 3333 also festive gingerbread set for girls - 2 x 3333 mad hatter set - last set, pls make an offer and the discount price of 1 x 333 only for the premier set for boys!
  6. for a lovely girl, I can accept 6x999 for it hun sure hun sending the payment in a few minutes !!!! no worries dear, i'll just have a very late lunch and check back later. thanks i just sent all 6*999 hun! received and sent sweetie, thanks for another safe trade! adding pos rep for u have a lovely Sunday!
  7. hope i've answered questions from yesterday; if I missed anyone, kindly holler and i will get back to u ASAP, thanks!
  8. for a lovely girl, I can accept 6x999 for it hun sure hun sending the payment in a few minutes !!!! no worries dear, i'll just have a very late lunch and check back later. thanks
  9. Hi Sarah, I hope u got my replies in game as i kept getting kicked out the other night after we finished our previous trade. Apparently, there had been changes gain that PF did, w/o giving players prior notice anyhow, pls find below the prices u listed: bat doll - 5 x 3333 bloody mat - sold out sorry! creepy tombstone - 2 x 3333 9i sent u 1 of this in our previous trade tho unless ur building a graveyard? there is a 08 tombstone too) ferocious fly trap - 3 x 3333 luminous pumpkin head - 2 x 3333 (also sent u this w/ pumpkin lantern they are beautiful decors, aren't they?) luminous skull candle - 2 x 3333 spooky lava lamp - 3 x 3333 throne of terror - 5 x 3333 hallo wind chime and cauldron - 2 x 3333 each there r 2 kinds of hallo windows hun, the luminous goth window for a package of 2 windows @ 3 x 333 and luminous halloween night window @ 1 x 3333 each only the 08 bat hat makes a great display, or u can wear it w/ invisible ring also, there is skull bucket, jack set (evil, scary crazy), halloween trees, floor, walls, run down fence for the full effect. do u have monster, mummy dolls?witch sign? spider web clock? 08 cobweb? antique cedar door?bat stickers? ghost sign, ghost toy, gummi ghost, ghost balloon? white and dark owls? luminous pumpkin head....these r great spooky decors just let me know what would interest u, thanks sweetie!
  10. for a lovely girl, I can accept 6x999 for it hun
  11. hi hun, i only have 1 set left of the sweet halloween, will accept best offer for it pls. for the other items, 2 x 3333 each will do pls. thanks!
  12. EA had become too greedy. i must say. They keep releasing too many expensive items in the boutique, w/o considering the fact that not all players can afford PF cash, or that not all countries have PF cards or surveys to start with, and could only rely in trading. They also seem to forget that many players are underaged or are still in school, and do not have access to credit cards. PS is a social network, and the orginal owners, Playfish discouraged trading. However due to the fast growth and popularity of the game, we witnessed how trading grew rapidly as well, which led to hacking, cloning, and what not, which perhaps the developers did not envision. All the changes they've made recently - coin limit, gifting limit, earning limit, 20k items limit - may be their course of action to minimize the hackers, but definitely unfair and inconsiderate to players, thus the steady decline of the popularity of the game. gaaah! shall we ride another wave?
  13. Nancy, Miew and Sarah, I will get back on your posts as i have just been kicked out of PS again, sorry ladies!
  14. hi, pls find below the prices for items u requested: dracula bed - 3 x 3333 dragon flag deco - 2 x 9999 cheese hat - 2 x 3333 dracula set - 2 x 3333 hallo and love tree seeds - 2 x 3333 each pls Thanks
  15. its the last set i have, kindly offer
  16. hun, we just traded for the mad hatter , and sent u the pet high uniform for boys by mistake together with the girls set. for the other items, i seem to be missing some parts of set when i went on leave from trading, but below is a breakdown of what i have: 08 elf set for boys - (boots, coat, leggings, pair of mittens) - 4 x 3333 for girls - ( dress, shoes, pair of mittens) - 4 x 333 pls note that elf boots and shoes look different blue school set - 5 x 3333 08 festive set (shoes, cap, dress, pair of mittens) - 6 x 3333 09 cute festive set for boys (shoes, jacket, pair of mittens, pants) - 3 x 3333 08 santa Set - 5 x 3333 Black Mariachi set - 2 x 3333 cute witch set - 3 x 3333 and for return clients, premier set is discounted at 1 x 3333 only!
  17. hi hun, short break from work for PS work I have small snowman ball - 2x999 medium snowman ball - 1 x 333 large snowman ball- 1x333 + 2x999 i can give u a package of 2 snowman eggs plus left and right limb, nose, 2 eyes, and mouth for 1 x 333 only. the only opened decor i have to spare is large topman hat for 2 x 999 only total = 7x999 ?? what size of snowman ball did u want hun? for all items - small, medium, large snowballs, 2 snowman egss, decors and large topman hat the total is 15 x 999 or 5x3333 ok,, i want all >,< 5x3333 sent to you ~!! amm .. Dracula Set (shirt w/ cloak) ? how much?? sending ur items now, sorry for the delay but i was only able to log on to PS today. For regular clients, I give the dracula set a discounted price of 1x 3333 only *Edit - all items sent to u now hun, thank u for another safe trade. adding pos rep for u, pls do the same
  18. I have them hun, however i am still having difficulty logging to PS, will get back to ur post as soon as i can
  19. I love the activity mre than the item, frankly. however, i kept getting kicked out last night as we dug, and now i cant even log on to PS had there been an announcement re this prob? anyone else who experienced the same?
  20. hi!I am goingto get back to all your questions as soon as im able to log in to PS. ive been trying for hours today, but i keep getting an error; started last night when i kept digging for mystery treasures. i kept getting kicked out and eventually had so much difficulty in logging back that i just went to sleep. gaaah, playfish! Im so sorry for the delay!
  21. yes of course, 3 x 3333 for it pls So if i get the luminous goth chandelier monster couch spooky fishbowl spooky grandfather clock and the Dracula Bed how much playfish cash would that be or if you want how many 999s would that be thank u so much for a wonderful spooky trade LOL. added u pos rep hun
  22. hi! pls find below the prices for your inquiry madhatter set - 3x 3333 cancan set - 5x 3333 dracula set - 1 x 3333 pet high uniform - 2 x 3333 eggnog 1 x 999 Let me get back to u on the beefeater cuz i seem to be missing the hat.i sometimes use them as displays lol thanks! Ok accept add me Thank !! Ive sent u F/ R hun. What pet high uniform did u want, for boys or girls? pet high uniform girls how much? i accept ) the same price sweetie i pay to you added rep sent everything, including the pet high school for boys.
  23. hi, i will have to double check the mad hatter set if i still have spare to trade. but for the other items, pls find below a breakdown: 08 reindeer hat - 3x3333 elegant gown - 3x3333 Princess space dress - 5x 3333 pink witch set - 2x3333 dracula set - 1 x 3333 Im accepting any currency of equivalent value. thank you! Princess space dress - 5x 3333 pink witch set - 2x3333 dracula set - 1 x 3333 TOTAL 8*3333 I can't send you friend request {don't know why TOT} could you sent me friend request? ^^ i want Premier Suit set (jacket w/ trousers) also how much pls? hun, i have spare mad hatter set for 3x333 and premier set for 1x3333 or any currency of equivalent value kindly send a f/r if u wish to go ahead with a trade. thanks! ooops ive sent the f/r as u requested. pardon my head, i came from a long meeting in RL sent 5*3333 from 12*3333 sorry for late my server's too slow ^^&quot; hun, i received 4 hot springs only. For what item will that be please as u listed several in ur post. sent payment all sorryy ~ check again pls received all 12 x 3333s hun, i just got kicked out while finishing trade. I will send all items u ordered as soon as i get back. sorry for the delay ive sent all the items u listed above hun, thank u so much for a safe trade. leaving u pos rep
  24. hi, i will have to double check the mad hatter set if i still have spare to trade. but for the other items, pls find below a breakdown: 08 reindeer hat - 3x3333 elegant gown - 3x3333 Princess space dress - 5x 3333 pink witch set - 2x3333 dracula set - 1 x 3333 Im accepting any currency of equivalent value. thank you! Princess space dress - 5x 3333 pink witch set - 2x3333 dracula set - 1 x 3333 TOTAL 8*3333 I can't send you friend request {don't know why TOT} could you sent me friend request? ^^ i want Premier Suit set (jacket w/ trousers) also how much pls? hun, i have spare mad hatter set for 3x333 and premier set for 1x3333 or any currency of equivalent value kindly send a f/r if u wish to go ahead with a trade. thanks! ooops ive sent the f/r as u requested. pardon my head, i came from a long meeting in RL sent 5*3333 from 12*3333 sorry for late my server's too slow ^^&quot; hun, i received 4 hot springs only. For what item will that be please as u listed several in ur post. sent payment all sorryy ~ check again pls received all 12 x 3333s hun, i just got kicked out while finishing trade. I will send all items u ordered as soon as i get back. sorry for the delay
  25. Milky, hold on pls I got kicked out of PS. ive so far sent u mad hatter set, dracula set, cancan. Let me refresh again...sigh
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